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Is there a medecine that lets you forget things?

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Welcome to broken hearts-ville! I'm in love too and there's a good chance it won't be reciprocated. I guess it's just part of being human. We have to take risks and hope that others feel as we do, and depend on the position of the moon and stars for things to work out. Maybe love isn't quite that random.


Sometimes doing things can help us get our minds off of things that are emotional. For example, taking up a new sport, taking a pottery or dance class, or going out places to meet new people can make things easier. I think if you make an effort to get out there and distract yourself in positive ways then eventually your heartache will go away. If you see this person that you are in love with on a regular basis things will probably not be that simple. Maybe you should try no contact for a while because not seeing this person and spending time with them will help take your mind off of them.


On the other hand, there's no medicine to make people forget things. Current biomedical therapies are being researched to prevent forgetfulness associated with Alzheimer's disease. So you really should be thankful to have your memory intact. However, in a movie that I saw a few years ago a woman went to her doctor because she was trying to get over heartache and asked her doctor to remove her amygdala, which is a region of the brain that is responsible for emotions. So unless you have that removed you are probably going to have heartaches like the rest of us.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A few years ago I had the same probelm. I fell hard for my best friend (at the time). Notice how I said "at the time." The results were distasterous and the friendship is now just a memory... I'm not saying things will turn out this way for you, in fact I really hope they don't. I wouldn't wish what I went through on anyone to be honnest.


Once he was aware of how I felt, he wanted nothing to do with me. On top of that, we both worked at the same place. He rubbed his knew romantic conquests in my face on a daily basis, just to hurt me. He told everyone at work I was stalking him, (which wasn't true). He also told lies that could have gotten me in trouble for sexual harassment. At one point I was even yanked into the supervisor's office. Since this happened I have been very cautous of everyone... Trend carefully.

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