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Do girls like guys who talk alot?


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I've heard that girls like guys who don't talk much but like to listen. I've seen this alot in movies and even one time on The Simpsons, there was a bachelor auction and when Apu went up he said that he is not much of a talker but he likes to listen and all the women in the audience went oooooh. Now I know that this is just a cartoon but does it have a message? Do girls really like guys who would rather listen than talk? I don't think you'll have much of a conversation witha guy who on a date who only says like 10 sentences on the entire date. Or maybe it's just girls who like to talk alot (the ones who will talk for hours and not really say anything, they just talk for the sake of talking). So what are your opinoins should guys, when having a conversation with a girl, talk or listen more?

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Since women are generally the more verbal gender (I'm quite sure this is correct) of course it would be great if a guy listened to everything you said. I would expect him to say something because otherwise it would seem like he didn't care. Being a good listener is a great quality to have, because it shows you care in her interests/what she is talking about, but its no fun being out with someone who can't hold their own in a conversation!

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I like a guy who talks as much as I do. If he talked for half an hour about something he likes, when I talk half an hour about something I like he better not yawn! I don't like it when some guys feel the need to fill voids so they just keep rambling even if things stopped making sense... it's such a bore. If there's nothing to say, just don't say anything.


I also hate it when some guys try to sound intelligent and when I'm rambling to them about something they say stuff like, "How do you feel about that?" Dude, if I need a theripist I'll get one okay? I feel pissed that's why I'm rambling. ^^:


Not saying anything when I'm expressing something is annoying too. If he has a valid argument he should bring it up. I like getting into arguments when I'm not lazy, as long as the arguments are kept as debates with reasoning. If he has nothing to argue against my argument then I like it when people at least say, "sorry, I haven't learned a lot about that yet."


Oh... but yeah, get back to my line, "I like a guy who talks as much as I do." If it's always me who's talking, pretty soon I'll stop talking and will probably never talk again except to answer a few questions. I like it when they're kept equal, 50/50.

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I've always liked a guy who could talk AND listen. My boyfriend is outgoing, but listens to (and remembers) things I say. Once, I was hanging out with a guy who would only talk when he was talking about football. I wasn't very interested in talking about football for 4 straight hours, so in total, I think we had a conversation for maybe 15 minutes. It was boring. So, it doesn't matter HOW MUCH they talk, as much as it matters WHAT they are talking about.

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The guy I like at the moment seems to dominate the conversation when he can. He's very silent when I'm talking and tends to just 'mmmm' every few minutes. It's kind of a put off actually cause it's the age old question of 'is he listening?'. Then the next week he remembers and comments about me having said something about that. He even remembers the conversations we've had months ago. So I guess he is.


Ok...point of that prattling...I like a guy who can talk about anything, not just himself. And I like a guy who can show interest when I'm talking. It's very frustrating to think that you're putting all this effort into paying attention to what he's saying (especially if it's not what you're interested in) if he's not acting like he's enjoying your company as well. Even if they are, you've gotta act like you are otherwise I pick up on boredom factors.



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Yeah I don't either. In fact I'm extremely quiet during class. Some girl in one of my classes told some other guy that "he has a personality" just because he talks. I just choose to be quiet because I don't know what to talk about. Not because I don't have a personality. Hmm.

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Well, I agree with asdf, there... There is no mystery, some guys just aren't big talkers...


I can be a talker if something comes up that I am interested in, but I am not one to start conversation. I do a lot of internalizing, and sometimes that comes off as 'mysterious' or like I am having some deep-existential experience... Usually not. Sometimes, sure.


I do love to listen, though. No, I don't hang on every word, but I try to remember something that can be brought up later or talked about later.


I agree with the earlier post on "How do you feel about that?" Oh, come on guys... You have got to be kidding me with that! Either don't use that stupid line at all, or please find another way to fein interest!


Look, if your girl is talking to you and you're really listening, you'll know what to ask without sounding stupid, pompous, or like a therapist... I dated a girl once who would try to 'catch' me... She would just end her side of the conversation abruptly. I'd wait a few seconds to see if she was going to finish or if she was done or whatever. If I didn't feel like the conversation was over, I would pick up on a few things and ask her about them. Or heck, even a "Yeah, but what did so-and-so say?" can get things moving, guys! This is not brain surgery here. No, I am not a big talker - I'd rather listen. But, ya gotta participate!

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  • 1 year later...

I don't talk much at all during dates. Not that I don't want to - I wish I could make convos with girls more two-sided, I just can't find anything to say. In such a situation, whatever I will say will probably be stupid anyway. I guess i'm a "good listener," especially with girls I really like. It's just that this is a hard quality to display. Seems they get bored long before I ever get a chance to show that I have been paying attention to what they have been talking about.

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