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I have a question for the guys...this is just for fun: I have been reading about human sexual relations and I want to know if it is really possible to have sex with someone that you aren't that interesting in persuing a relationship with...and what kind of feelings do you have about the person after the sex, do you want more or is it just a conquest kind of thing and then you can easily go back about your business?


Maybe for the younger folks it is all new and all good, but at what point do you feel sort of cheated by a short term affair?



Have any of you had an act of infidelity that turned into a good relationship-- as in healthy love and respect for one another?

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I guess we kind of glossed over the question, but I was looking for more information than yes or no answers... after you have sex, not just oral, but the whole enchillada, if it is possible to act like that never happened, and if it is, do you have to consciously stave off the feelings of wanting more?


I would assume if you find that you can have sex one time, then yu would want it again later, right?


Or are you really able to separate feelings and physical pleasure??


For the women, if you say yes one time and don't like it or him -- would you try it again or would you say no, absolutely not...


Have you ever had sex with someone that you have just broken up with and then realized that there was more attraction there than you thought?

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I had a friend that was female...and we were going to get funky. She just wanted to knock a piece off since she just broke up with her man. I didn't take advantage of it though. Aterwards we discussed it, and she said she couldn't do it because she would develop feelings. Me on the other hand...thats just a walk in the park.


I think I had relationships with less then half the woman I slept with. Some were a one time thing, some where when we ran into each other. I didn't develop feelings for anybody that I knew I didn't want a relationship with.


Anyway to answer you question...yeah I go on like it never happened.



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I guess it just depends on what you are looking for and probably what the women want...DBL...maybe the women see you as a conquest and they want a piece of that, but after that they just go on. That must be quite painful, you have never had any clingons or stalkers? The one rebound lady that you mentioned, you didn't go all the way with her, did you?


Nexus, I am hoping that the guys will come clean and say yes they did have feelings, but maybe it was the lady's choice that she didn't want a big dramatic emotional relationship, so the two ships just parted in the night...

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for me, personally, it IS possible to act like the sex never happened. though i must admit, I do yearn for my between-the-sheets buddy from time to time. i wouldnt say we are 'close friends' or anything. the only time we talk is when one of us wants to get some. at times, yes, i DO have to stave off feelings for him. but its not exactly hard beacuse his personality kinda sucks. i would think it would be more difficult to deny feelings for him if he was some kind of great guy or something (but thats not the case).


for me, separating feelings and physical pleasure has been a bit of a challenge but i found myself acclamating to it rather quickly. simply put, you get used to it...

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