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Boyfriend help anyone?? im feeling uncomfortable around him!

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I'm fourteen years old and a freshman in high school, last year, i was somewhat of a ugly duckling. i was overweight and very shy. during the past summer, i met my first boyfriend and he helped me find who i really was, unfoutunatly, we broke up when school begain b.c he lived miles away. going into high school, i expected guys to treat me the same...like dirt, but surprisingly, they didnt.over the summer i lost over 40 pounds and "matured" quite a bit. i have had many guys ask me out. but i declined until my current boyfriend asked me out. however he is 3 years older than me. he is always bragging about me, and its awkward for me, ive tryed to tell him to stop, cause i hate the attention, but he doesnt. He is always all over me in school, and i told him rite from the start that i wasnt comfortable with pda.

Now whenever im around him, i feel uncomfortable because he likes to pinch my sides. i know im not overweight anymore, but still it makes me feel as though i should loose even more weight. however whenever im not around him, i miss him and think about how much i care for him. Im very shy...execpt for on stage... and i dont have the confeidence to talk to him yet...does anyone have any ideas on how to tell him what im feeling. i truly care for him, and i dont want to do anything that will jepordize our relationship...Thanks alot.



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Well, I don't see any way to tell him without talking to him.


But I think it might be easier if you set up your argument.


Make him feel special, and then when he is beaming with admirtion for you, hope he pinches you and walk away slowly or jsut withdraw emotionally. Make him see a problem. Then tell him what it is.

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