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There is this girl..


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Alright ill start off first by saying i am 15 and the girl i have in mind is 14. i have known her for a couple of months now, i met her through one of my best friends. At first she was pretty distant but now she has warmed up a bit and we usually hang around each other during lunch/before or after school. She smiles and says hey or something when we pass in the halls between classes and when we meet after school we hug and say wassup. Though she hugs all of her closer friends 8)


We joke around alot sometimes she playfully hits my shoudler or somethign or whacks me in the face with her sleeve (nearly poked my eye out that one time.. ) We have an interest in the Spurs and when i told her my dad has season tickets she asked me to take her to a game sometime and i promised i would if i can get a spare ticket.


I am pretty sure she knows i like her, one of my friends had told her that i did. She then after school called me over and in front of one of her friends asked me if i really did like her. Needless to say my tongue seemed it had stopped working and i found myself changing the subject quickly.


There are also other guys who hang around her who also like her, though she doesnt think they do. She often asks me or one of her other friends if they think so and so likes her.


So basically my question is, does she like me? or is she just being friendly.

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Maybe you could ask her to hang out somewhere outside of school (and other than the Spurs game for right now) like to see a movie or go bowling. It doesn't have to be called a "date". You just want to get to know her better. When she says yes to this (if she says no, u know she'd say no if u asked her out), through what she says and does you can tell if she "likes" you or not. It's not quite as risky and the whole situation should be a lot more comfortable.


If you prove to be a very fun guy to be around, she may just want to date you...

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