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Just found something out

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Okay I was having a good day today until I heard this. My b/f and I broke up 2.5 weeks ago and I've been doing fine till now. I heard my ex was seeing someone already. What am I going to do? I don't know how I am going to act when I see them together. I don't understand, we ended our relationship because of his booze and now he's going to straighten up his act for someone else. We were together for 4 years and he never changed for me. Why is this happening to me?

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It sounds like he needs a break if he's already with someone, or has been seeing her for awhile (even while you two were together). Four years is awhile to be together, so his behavior now is a little odd. Have you told him how you feel and asked what went wrong?

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im sorry. the other two posts seem to feed negative self feelings. so, ill propose something else...


if alcohol was such a problem that it broke up the 4 yrear relationship that you two had, i SERIOUSLY DOUBT hes going to "just quit" for some other woman. he probably says he will quit. im sure that there were points in your relationship when he said this. but alcohol for those with issues is an evil demon that doesnt just go away. its a serious problem that requires, in most people, various phases and attempts and phases of attempts to finally beat.


anyhow, i agree that 2.5 weeks is really fast to move on. i dont have anything i can really tell you about that, other than the fact that if you sit patiently, you are pretty much guaranteed to see his new relationship fail. he obviously has a lot of baggage, and i cant forsee anyone coming straight out of a long term relationship with that sort of baggage just picking up and starting over with out any hitches. recovering from a relationship can be likened to recovering from an addiction. you will also go through many phases before you are finally ready to just move on. the only way i can see this NOT happening is if those phases were already passed through while you were still together.


either way, its a tough time to be in your life. just remember to breathe and get a voodoo doll if you must (hehe).

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