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How long do you wait before making it official?


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Am I the only one who interprets "I'm not dating anyone else" as not necessarily "I dont want to date anyone but you".


If the girl brings it up, and the guy confirms he is not sleeping/dating with anyone else, but does not comment further or add anythign in addition to that, then I would wonder if he's thinking "I am not daitng anyone else now, but that doesnt mean I'm not open to it or looking if someone good came around".


I stand by what I always stand by: Any guy worth keeping will initiate the exclusivity talk. They will want to lock it down, and not leave the girl wondering.


OP - by initiating this you are seeing the tone for the relationship. He is gonna think he has you on a string and that you want it more than him. You will always be the one bringing up "the next step" (becomes BF/GB, moving in together, engagement, marriage).


My method is to show high interest not by prodding about your status and desire to be his GF, but by flirting, being affectionate, responding and initiating calls/texts, complimenting him, etc.

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If the girl brings it up, and the guy confirms he is not sleeping/dating with anyone else, but does not comment further or add anythign in addition to that, then I would wonder if he's thinking "I am not daitng anyone else now, but that doesnt mean I'm not open to it or looking if someone good came around".




Well in this case he followed up the "I'm only seeing you" with stating that he really likes her. I think this sums up that he's into just seeing her, if you look at the context in which he gave the response it seems like he's interested in being exclusive with her. I mean there are no guarantees though no matter what a guy or girl tell you, but at that moment when he had the conversation with her it seems like he was just interested in seeing her.

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