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I'm 17 and I am in love with this guy that I don't even know At frist everything was okay but knw I totally depress and evytime I tired to find somebody new he always fin ways to tell them lies about which That's why I'm still alone and sad I love him so much and I can't see living my life without him I want to committe suicide but I know that the pain will still be there in my afterlife

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i am 17 also and went through exactly the same thing as u are going through right now......... i went out with this guy for a year and 6 months.....for me the relationship was good in the beginning but than all my friendz kept on saying how they hate hime and that he treats me soo bad, and to tell u the truth i never actually saw n/e of it, it was as if i was blind i thought that he loved me 2. i never ended up listening to mah friendz and juss kept dating him and it got soo bad that he wouldn't even let me talk to them and the funny thing is i actually listened to him... than finally as time went by i noticed exactly how wrog things were and i also thought that he was my everything and at that point he pretty much wuz, i didn't have n/e friendz left.......@ that point i also wanted to commit suicide ....but as the days went by i slowly adapted to not being around him or talking to him 24-7...yeah it wuz hard but i did it............and now i haven't talk to him 4 about 6 months and i feel soo much better, every time i do see him i kinda have a weird feeling in mah tummy as if i wish i didn't break up with him but than i juss start thinking about how bad he fuked up and how he would never get someone as good as mee again but but i know things are better off this way and i am juss movin on , luckily my friendz are really understanding and are still here for me because without them i don't know where i would b!

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