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Friends after Breaking Up?

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first of all im 20 and she was 30.We were friends good friends for months and then she kissed me, and were went out for 2 years. but now Ive jus split up with my her and i dont want to be friends. Nothing big happened between us to make us split up i just happerend because she said that she didnt want to take my 20's away from me. But i didnt think like that. She wanted to be friends but i said no cos i still love her very much and she loves me and the thought of her being with someone else deverstates me. So i feel that a clean brake would be easier. Im ready to move on. I dont want to know whos she with or whats she doing. All i do know it that i wish her luck with what ever she does.


any input on this would be helpfull thanks

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It's hard to be friends with an ex if there are still romantic feelings involved on either (or both) sides because it just leads to pain, frustation, anger. If there are no feelings involved then it's possible I suppose, especially if the couple were friends before the relationship began. But often times, friendships are just not meant to happen between exes. And sometimes, even if a friendship can result, it may take a long time for that to happen.

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i dont recommend it.. my ex and i have been broken up for about 2/3 months now.. we're still as close as ever and i agree, it just results in SO much frustration. why? well, from my perspective, i dont understand the difference between what we are now and what we were before.. ie. im finding it hard to draw the line between friendship and romantics. it confusing the crap out of me and im actually starting to feel like im back in a relationship and we both havent really dealt with the break up yet. i guess it depends on each situation though. i agree that perhaps it will work if its entirely platonic.. but i think thats a rare situation, feelings typically remain for at least one of the parties. so yeah, if u can go cold turkey and believe its the best thing.. go for it. otherwise ull end up like me.. confused and wondering if its inevitable that we'll just get back together? its gotta end somewhere hey.

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It's really hard, especially if the breakup wasn't over something bad (such as cheating, or abusive, and stuffl like that). Me and my ex broke up 2 weeks ago (she felt like she needed to grow up, and stop being treated like a child from everyone she knows) and we both wanted to still remain friends. We gave each other a littel space, and then tried to become friends after about 1 week, but we realized yesterday that it was still just way to soon for us to be friends (since we both still have really strong feelings towards the other person). So we know decided that no contact from now on will be the only way we can figure things out, move on in our lives, and then see if we want a friendship or relationship with each other later. As I said it's really hard, and you need to take some time apart before trying to jump into the friendship.

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when i started going out with my boyfriend we thought we could always be friends afterwards, and we could of up to one point, then we got serious. when we split up we decided to be friends, but three dayslater at a party we had a huge huge argument that left me questionin if the last six months had meant something to him at all. two months later however, when i was over him and didnt love him anymore, we got on really well and we can be friends, after that two months of no contact at all. i was really chuffed, he confided in me with something that he hadn't told anybody else.

i guess it just depends on how serious you were and circumstances of the break up really.

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