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Getting in shape...

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hello everyone. I know there are tons of posts about this topic. But I just have a quick question. I recently started serious weight training and I just wanted to know how long until I start seeing results? I also do some cardio because I need to loose some fat and I eat one of those high protein bars (ones that have a protein that is assimilated easier than regular proteins and has very few carbs) after I do weights. I cut down the carbs (not completely... I do eat some for breakfast). So, if I'm doing anything wrong, please don't hesitate to correct me. So, how long until I see some results?

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Hi there!!


Are you trying to both firm up and slim down at the same time? Or one more than the other???


I am pretty sensative to my body and I would start to notice a change right away.


I have been going jogging at night, sinse the time changed it is more convenient to go at night, and it breaks up the evening better. Everyone seems to notice the change in me. I can especially see the difference in my face.


You will probably get some comments from others that will keep you on the schedule that you are on. It will keep you from getting the winter time blues!!

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Hello. Thanks for replying.


Are you trying to both firm up and slim down at the same time? Or one more than the other???


Well, I want to loose the fat (I'm not super overweight, so I guess this ones is less important to me), and develop a bigger chest, arms, back, shoulders, and neck. I just know what my goal is, lol. The hardest part is reaching it, but I think I can do it (I just hope it doesn't take forever).



You will probably get some comments from others that will keep you on the schedule that you are on. It will keep you from getting the winter time blues!!


hehe, thanks. I hope that happens. Although it's only my family that makes that kind of remarks and half the time I don't believe them because I just know when it's true and when it isn't. Other people didn't even say a word when I cut my hair for the first time in 6 months.

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Hi DeadEyes,


Since I'm taking a Foods & Nutrition class, here are some things that I learned that may help you. (Btw, Deadyes, you are in good shape so far. I still remember seeing your picture from way back.)


Here are some basic info,

1. Although some people like to preach about cutting down on glucose (carbs), it's actually not the best thing to do. First of all, glucose is a source of energy for the brain. It's the basic source of energy that the body needs to thrive on. If you don't consume enough glucose, then your body will start to burn other forms of energy, which, isn't always the best way of burning off fats, because you're actually hurting your body in the end by unstabilizing the pH balance in your body.


Meaning, your body may shift from acidosis to alkalosis, which ultimately is destructive. You're essentially burning off keytone bodies (hence, the smell that people give off when they don't eat...you know that smell right? To me, keytone bodies smell like moth balls. Some people smell like this when they haven't eaten for a while.) Burning keytone bodies throws your body out of whack.


2. Instead of relying on breads and pastas for glucose, still rely on it a little, but rely on fruits and veggies for glucose. At least it's simple carbohydrates that provide instant energy for the cells to utilize.


3. Proteins- this is what I learned 30-35 kg/per day is about right. Eating too much proteins essentially turns into fats. Remember: "too much of anything is not good. moderation is key." Proteins are important for basic cellular function. It's important because it's the basic component that's the building blcok for amino-acids.


4. Saturated vs. unsaturated? You want to keep your diet limited to unsaturated. Unsaturated fats are fats that aren't from animal fats. Some sources of saturated fats include palm oil, coconut oil, and of course animal fats. Also, when using butter or margerine, use margrine. Butter consists of saturated fats, which is harder for your body to burn down because of chemical structural component. Saturated fats are harder to burn down because it is a single-straight chain carbon bond. It's a more stable bond, which makes it harder for your body to break down.


Of course, I'm just a student, link removed may actually explain it even better...


About doing cardio, then weight lifting...I think that you're on the right track so far. Caridio is important for your heart, helps to get the blood pumping in your body, and burns of glucose quickly. Weight training is good, because building muscles will also help to burn off fat in the long run too.

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Hi mahlina. Your post was really helpful:


Hi DeadEyes,


Since I'm taking a Foods & Nutrition class, here are some things that I learned that may help you. (Btw, Deadyes, you are in good shape so far. I still remember seeing your picture from way back.)


Well, I weight (even since before I took that pic) 224 pounds (100 kilograms, which sounds less terrible), which is a lot I think... Maybe that pic didn't show it, or perhaps it's because I'm also 6'2", that you don't think I'm fat... But still, my main goal is to gain muscle.


Here are some basic info,

1. Although some people like to preach about cutting down on glucose (carbs), it's actually not the best thing to do. First of all, glucose is a source of energy for the brain. It's the basic source of energy that the body needs to thrive on. If you don't consume enough glucose, then your body will start to burn other forms of energy, which, isn't always the best way of burning off fats, because you're actually hurting your body in the end by unstabilizing the pH balance in your body.


Meaning, your body may shift from acidosis to alkalosis, which ultimately is destructive. You're essentially burning off keytone bodies (hence, the smell that people give off when they don't eat...you know that smell right? To me, keytone bodies smell like moth balls. Some people smell like this when they haven't eaten for a while.) Burning keytone bodies throws your body out of whack.


2. Instead of relying on breads and pastas for glucose, still rely on it a little, but rely on fruits and veggies for glucose. At least it's simple carbohydrates that provide instant energy for the cells to utilize.


3. Proteins- this is what I learned 30-35 kg/per day is about good. Eating too much proteins essentially turns into fats. Remember: "too much of anything is not good. moderation is key." Proteins are important for basic cellular function. It's important because it's the basic component that's the building blcok for amino-acids.


4. Saturated vs. unsaturated? You want to keep your diet limited to unsaturated. Unsaturated fats are fats that aren't from animal fats. Some sources of saturated fats include palm oil, coconut oil, and of course animal fats. Also, when using butter or margerine, use margrine. Butter consists of saturated fats, which is harder for your body to burn down because of chemical structural component. Saturated fats are harder to burn down because it is a single-straight chain carbon bond. It's a more stable bond, which makes it harder for your body to break down.


Of course, I'm just a student, link removed may actually explain it even better...


About doing cardio, then weight lifting...I think that you're on the right track so far. Caridio is important for your heart, helps to get the blood pumping in your body, and burns of glucose quickly. Weight training is good, because building muscles will also help to burn off fat in the long run too.


Ok, I'll absolutely consider those points. I guess I should eat more fruits then (I do eat a decent amount of vegetables and I eat some carbs mostly in the morning, but I eat very few fruits... guess I'll have to eat more of those). And I'll cut down the proteins a little bit (it's just that the way I was raised made me get used to eating proteins... in other words, for me, a meal without proteins is really not food).


Thanks for your advice. Best wishes to everyone.

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You need protein to build muscle. You need about 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight. With the proper amount of protein you will see noticeable differences in your body within a couple of weeks.


The bigger your muscles the more fat you burn. You will benefit more on weight loss if you do your cardio in the moring before you eat. You need to eat 6 meals accross the day..which will speed up your metabolism and keep your body from storing fat. Basically you will be eating every 2.5-3 hours. It can be helpful to keep logs on this.


You should also invest in a good protien powder. I use Optimum Nutrition...it tastes good, easy to mix, and is priced good. I would use atleast 2 shakes to replace the protein in two of your meals, You can go up to 3, I do because I don't like making food right now.


Good Luck


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Basically you will be eating every 2.5-3 hours. It can be helpful to keep logs on this.


Well, since I normally have to go to school, I can't eat every 2.5-3 hours there... so, I only eat like 5 of those meals


You should also invest in a good protien powder. I use Optimum Nutrition...it tastes good, easy to mix, and is priced good. I would use atleast 2 shakes to replace the protein in two of your meals, You can go up to 3, I do because I don't like making food right now.


Well, I used to buy one called "Isopure" and it worked well (I used to do weights but not as seriously as I do now and I didn't stick to it, but now I do). So, I guess I'll keep using that one.



Thanks to everyone who has posted. I will follow your advice. Best wishes.

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I was going to post the same link as carter just did. I go to that site often just to look at routines and new products and stuff. Great site...I even ordered supplements from them recently. Great service as well.


One thing about weight lifting and staying in shape is that it has to be a lifestyle and you have to do it for yourself. If you are just doing to impress people, your chances of sticking with it become less.


Good Luck



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DeadEyes, 6'2'', for someone mature for your age, and you're already health conscious?? You'll find a nice missy someday, just know that.


Btw, I don't know if you know that actor Benicio Del Toro, in the movie China Moon...Anyway, you kinda remind me of him, but only in that movie. Benicio...one of my favorite Latin actors. (He is muy guapo! )


Keep up with what you're doing. You're on the right track so far...

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You are a pro at this....I still make those fruit shakes that you suggested a while ago. I have been putting yohgert in them then the frozen fruit, maybe a little sugar or something to make it sweet, milk and fruit juice, and some fresh fruit like bananas or whatever I happen to have---I have been using fozen cranberries and frozen blueberries as they are easier for the blender to destroy....MMMMM Good!!!

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Hey, dude!


Do you want to just gain muscle and look tough or do you want to look hot(er)? If you want to look tough than you have the perfect weight for it, you will notice instant results and because you are not "skinny" your muscles will look huge. But if you want to get a good looking body then, I think, you should do some sports instead of just weight training. Swimming or jogging will give you an amazing body, then you could move on to weight training. If you just "pump iron" you will probably not get a proportional body.

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Thanks Sisterlynch!


I still make my virgin strawberry dacqueries as well. I believe in those shakes because they're actually very beneficial, in terms of anti-oxidants. It's a great way to stay healthy. I think of it as a Britta filter system that purifies your body. It's healthy and efficient. Buy fruits at the local produce, keep it in the freezer, and whip out the blender and blend those fruits whenver antioxidants are needed.


Sorbet is actually a great way to add flavor to your shakes. I actually found another ingredient: coconut sorbet with pineapple is really nice too. Try that next time. Buy coconut sorbet, then add pineapple chunks, and a secret ingredient of mine (a little bit of vanilla powder--from pudding mix, it actually not only adds flavor, but gives it a nice smell, without adding too much sugar to the shake.)


P.S.- DBL, funny. No... I was just trying to cheer him up. I also think that actor's really cute (actually, one of my ex's used to look like Benicio. *sigh* memories...)

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The problem with sorbet is that i get carried away....I tried using vanilla ice cream, and the same thing, I was eating too many calories. I sometimes put some jam or jelly in for flavoring too, my bad....I really like the yoghert, it makes it taste good and adds the protein and dairy to the shake, um, I mean...smoothy!!


I saw something in the seasonings section, where they have ground pepper and oregano, etc. It was powdered vanilla, do you know what that is? That should add some flavor with out many calories, right??

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To Sisterlynch: I would say so. I've seen vanilla beans in the seasoning aisle, but haven't seen the vanilla powder extract. I guess it doesn't hurt to try, right? That's another key thing, always have fun with mixing your flavors. The key thing to any fruiit shakes is to be creative. Remember to always balance out your flavors. Yogurt, especially non-fat is good too. I try not to use too much sugar in my shakes. I love strawberries, and since it can get a little sour, I try to balance out the flavor with something not as acidic like bananas (although I hate the taste of bananas).


To DBL: if you're allergic to fruits, then I don't really know what else you an do. Maybe you can try out something else non-fruit, like red-beans. There's this Japanese desert that I really love, maybe you can try it too: it's sweetened red-bean paste served on ice slush. You can blend it with your shake. In your case, it's kind of challenging. Sounds like something that the Iron Chef would have to figure out!

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I think that you can make the shakes using those fruits, she says to use Mango, frozen, and also peaches.


I have found that making the shake with yogert, milk, orange juice, some frozen fruit works really well for me. You could put in apples and etc...go to Jamba juice and think if you like those drinks there.

they may have some ideas for you.


One that came out really good, I put ice cream, choc syrup, yogert and banana...that was yummy...


Another flavor that I have put in is Scandinavian Delight Danish Spread, which is like jelly, it is so good!!

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DeadEyes, 6'2'', for someone mature for your age, and you're already health conscious?? You'll find a nice missy someday, just know that.


Btw, I don't know if you know that actor Benicio Del Toro, in the movie China Moon...Anyway, you kinda remind me of him, but only in that movie. Benicio...one of my favorite Latin actors. (He is muy guapo! )


Thanks. I hope that's true.


Thanks everyone who posted here. You've all been of great help. I really can't find a way to express my gratitude to every single one of you... Best wishes. I guess I'll keep posting should more questions come afloat.

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