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In love but upset..ahhhh driving me mad!!!

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Im 15, a girl and i have been seeing my best friend 4 about.....2 months. but i am MAD about her, like totaly inlove with her and i love being with her and everything.

i know i wont be able to explain this very well and it may seem like i almost have an obsession with her (maby i do a little! )

I REALLY, really love her and really cnt face the thought of life without being able to kiss or hold her but. she sed she was inlove with me, i think she is

I can make up my mind tough. I am So depressed and every day i cry i just cant help it i feel like my life is just not worth living. she is the only thing i live for sometimes. but i can tell she is getting really annoyed with me being so crying/upset all the time. she doesnt understand that she is the 1 making me like this sometimes. I want to keep her so i almost put on a show for her, saying that im happy. i cant keep on doing this when inside it is killing me.

i am scared to tell her this (i havent explained this very well at all) in fear of losing her. There as so meny more happyer, attractive people in our year i feel like anyday now im going to lose her and it will kill me if it does. i really just dont know what to do so ay help would be good



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gift from the gods, it sounds like you are infatuated and in lust with your friend. She feels the same for you or she wouldn't be with you. You really shouldn't dwell on what could happen or on the fact that you might not be together forever. Being upset, dwelling, over this could drive your friend away from you, which is exactly what you don't want to happen. Just enjoy the time that you spend with her, communicate with her, tell her how much she means to you, and don't get so caught up in your fear because that's just what you are feeling. Try to be more present and the rest should fall into place.


About the attractive people in your class that you are afraid of: no one can really explain attraction and what drives attraction, but since your friend is with you, then she must find you attractive, probably on multiple levels. Being attractive isn't just about physical beauty. For example, this woman that I have a crush on isn't that physically beautiful and I actually thought that when I first met her. But, now that I know her I think that she's very sexy and she's 51 yrs old. I love her laugh and the way that she walks and just her positive attitude about things. I am so in lust with her, and yet, there are many more physically beautiful people out there that most would say are better looking than her, but I want her not these other people.


If your friend doesn't tell you what she likes about you, then ask her. Say, "What do you like about me?" Or "What do you find attractive about me?" Telling people what you like about them is a big turn-on!

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I don't think that telling people what you like about them is a turn on. But, yes, I think it can be a turn-on for someone hearing from another person what that person likes about them- no matter what the relationship is. I think that everyone looks for validation from others. I have an older friend who always says that if she could give away self-esteem she would and almost everyone's problems would be taken care of if more people had higher self-esteem. I agree!

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