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How to not compare yourself to others or the job motivation thread

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I think a lot of people on here are either unhappy with their job, their career or is dismal about job search.

The accessibility of knowing what everyone is doing through social networking sites hasn't helped either.

I have a friend and she had to look for a job cause she lost her job twice.

She was involved in the field of IT and consulting and she used to scan through all the profiles on Linkedin and co.

She would go through all the profiles and she would tell me "Well I have read that some people have the XXX license or

the YYY degree, do you think they might have a better chance than me?".

The thing was she would never know if such people were applying for the same job she did.

However she felt anxious and jealous, by comparing herself to other people.

Even if they did, do we know how long they will be in that job?

I have had two friends die during the height of their career.

One died in a car accident, and the other one during 9/11.

I think given their talents and their education they could have been the next Elon Musk or Steve Buffett.

Do you know if the gal/guy you compare yourself to will be there in the couple of years?

(Not that I wish anything bad upon anyone)

So this is how I feel about not comparing yourself to others. It is useless and pointless, you never know what the future holds.

My two cents: Just do your best and stop comparing yourself to others.

How do you feel about comparing yourself to others? How does this effect your career or job search?

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I think this is the exact thread I needed right now. It took me longer then other people to figure out what I wanted to do with my life so I am just starting in the field. Its hard for me to see people my age so much higher up on the ladder then I am. And, I come from a family of very high achieving people. Everyone has at least two degrees and is being fairly successful in what they do. It is so discouraging when I compare my life to theirs.


I have to remind myself that I am working hard and am making progress in life. I have a part-time job, an internship, I almost have (one more class!) my certification, and I have applied to grad school. When we compare our lives to other we sometimes forget what we are doing.

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