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Guys - What turns you on? TELL US!!


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Okay guys, this is for you


Many girls here will probably share in my frustraition which is...what does turn you on? When making out with girls, what particular thing can we/do we do that "flicks your switch" as it were? Do tell...


Any replys will enhance the world's happiness when it comes to making out Thank you...and goodnight!!

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Okay, I know I'm not a guy, but I'd like to share the little things that my boyfriend likes...


1. Kisses on the neck (just below the jaw, right at the ear)

2. On the ear lobe (he goes especially crazy when I gently suck on it)

3. Touching (of course, with us, touching of an intimate nature usually

leads to manual stimulation of some kind... outer sex, fondling,

fingering, etc.)

4. Sucking on his fingers

5. "Full-body" hugs

6. Playing with his hair

7. Gentle massage (arms, shoulders, back, chest, neck, etc.--doesn't

have to be sexual)


Those are just a few things that my boyfriend likes for me to do for him. Some may not be appropriate for you and your relationship. Hope they help, though.


What turns you on? Think of some things that you really like. Chances are, he'll probably like them too.


Maybe some guys will post and enlighten us a bit more...

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All of the Above!


Well there is more, I mean a little striptease wouldn't hurt as well as just being yourself. I'm turned on by a women who know what she wants, and will do whatever it takes to get it. I'm also turned on by women of power, I think they're sexy, I mean hell, the short skirts, the business suit, and the fact that I have to perform to please her is a real turn on.


There is more, but I can't remember all of em, but when I do, I'll write a follow up post.


But yeah, All of the Above!

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definitetly the ear thing...thats one for me....whether its in the ear or the ear lobe.


uhmmm, dressing up wise, obviously every guy is different, but office dress for some reason turns me on, like demi moore in disclosure =P~


most of the stuff shygirl wrote is all good, basically the more you do the better, I like it when the girl takes control, but not too much, no need to beat the guy up....

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I agree with sambo here, the more the better. Laides if you want us red hot, be aggressive (not the butt-kicking type) but just go for it. You know walk up to us seductive and beautiful, and just throw ur legs up and plant a nice sweet wet one our lips.


Flip your hair, yes "Hair" if there's one thing I can think of that works, it's the hair ladies; let it flow.


A blindfold won't hurt, yeah take control sometime, bc hell it gets monotomous when we do the initiation; we need a vacation from that!


Oh yeah and girl that knows how to dance, if you can bump and grind on the dance floor, you sure as hell can bump and grind on me!

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I agree with Angelus. I always kept telling my ex to be more forward and just attack me sometime with her desire. Too often she was timid and always thought that the guy should be the initiator. It really got me worked up when she'd just do random things... Once I was just standing next to her while she was typing on her computer. She just suddenly turned, reached out, unzipped my pants, and went to work on giving me head. That was the most unexpected thing, and we had incredible sex after that.


Oh.. and the ear thing is a definite YES. I love having my neck and ears kissed.

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Yeah, I think that list is great. I have to say that when a girl is feminine yet very flirty.. well that's a great combination.


I love when girls have the confidence to say and do what they're feeling.. that's great especially when you're in a relationship. I love when girls act cute but naughty, either through words or actions.

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Word up Vert! See ladies it's just plain and simple; you want us to want you like the air we breathe, then make us! Force that animal instinct out of us, make us want you.


You have to put out that aura of desirability, that aura of I want you and I want you now!


Ladies dont' be afraid to release "your" animal instincts; don't be afraid to pounce on us and make us submitt. If you want great, amazing sex, then you have put out great amazing temptation!


Temptation is the key ladies. (Oh and please if ur gonna tempt, please go all the way cause blue balls suck!)


I'm sure the rest of the guys are gonna agree with us:


We want a lady on the street but a freak in the bed!

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After just doing some cleaning in my home I realized what really turns me on. What turns me on is when a woman cleans my place for me and cooks a good meal for me while I relax and do nothing. So when she is all done...I should be hot and bothered by then.



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I agree with most fo the comment hear so far... ladies... you love it when a guy can't stand it and he wants you SO *&^%&^$ BAD. you love the look in his eyes.... and he can't NOT have you.......


Well believe it or not, guys loves to be wanted....... and we love seeing the girl want us so bad she can't resist us....... like we are the temptation and you will do anything to have us. I cherish the thought of wanting me so bad they can't hold themselves back.......


In addtion.......... the eyes....... You eyes ARE indeed the window within... look at your man with those eyes and let him see the desire in you.... make plenty of eye contact whatever you are doing to tease him.....


someone mentioned.... acting like an animal.. i like that analogy..... Nine INch NAil song CLoser... is too crude to post lyrics here.. but there is a part of song that make sso much sense for two people that loves each other..... if you love someone and want to please them.. don't hold oyur emotions back........ at all.. for fear someone with think less of you....... there is nothing wrong with a woman who knows what she wants and then goes after it..........


Like driving down the road and she looks over at you and says NOW...... I gotta have you NOW...... she either finds a way to have you while you drive or you stop the car..... i think a guy's ego is so stroked when he knows she can't control her desire...

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I agree with dreamweaver dude, eye contact adds intensity and intimacy when it comes to seduction. Ladies never lose eye conact especially when ur down on us, or your on top and you gat that beautiful body of yours workin it. I love to look into the eyes of my boo when she's down on me or I'm down on her. Just gazing into them to see the love and affection pouring out of them, is just amazing.

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