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a BIG problem

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Hey. I have an ummmm, how shall i say this, freakishly big penis. I know that a lot of men would give anything to be very endowed but for me its been just the opposite of a gift. Its a curse. I mean, its very hard to find a woman that wants to try a man that hangs to his knees. i've had a few girlfriends and they all said that it wasn't gonna work out because it was hurting them. I guess i'm just looking for other men with a similar problem and how they deal with it but any input on my problem would be appreciated.

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This kinda sounds like a joke, sorry to say. I agree with DBL too -- it hangs to your knees? Sorry, not quite bud. You'd need to have at least a 15" flaccid for it to hang past your knees, and the fact that this is your first post makes me even more suspicious.

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