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ok here is the deal.


i've been talking to this girl on and off for about 2 years now.

i know that there is a spark between us but for some reason i don't know if she feels the same way i do about her.

well last week we met up after a long time and we hit it off and ended the night with a kiss. that being said i have stronger feelings now.

what i'm doing now is calling her everyday but i feel like i'm bothering her.

should i stop calling her everyday and ease up a bit or continue to call her.

she does call back when i leave a message but i'm just a bit cautious now with the calling thing

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when u have such strong feelings off the bat with someone in that early stage of things its hard to not want to talk to them every waking minute...but it would prolly be a good idea to ease up if ya think shes kinda feeling uncomfortable..bc if u really think its someting special and shared a kiss with her ..then u wudnt want to overwhelme her and scare her off...( i think i can be good at scaring ppl off heed my advise) lol ..but yea just take it easy and see if she also comes to you if you dont call...then you know shes interested ..good luck hope i was helpful

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