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Pull away? Any advice will be helpful


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Me and my ex have been talking for about a month we broke up a little over a month ago with 1 week of no contact... Things were going ok until last week he began to have less contact than usual... No good morning or texts throughout the day mostly, yesterday I gave him some space and didn't contact him at all and he contacted me 9 at night but I didn't respond.. How much do I pull away? Should I text him today? We haven't had the get back together talk yet but we have spoke about taking steps to improve but I feel like this is a step back please help I don't want to do the wrong thing

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I see light here. Most probably, he still loves you. He had less contact with you, because he's trying to get over you.

Ignore him for one more day, and if he calls you, talk to him. Drive your conversation towards your breakup, and how you think you should get back together(if you want to). He won't do this now. Thats men psychology. He'll try to show as if he doesn't care and it doesn't matter to him, but he might just be hoping you guys patch up.

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I see light here. Most probably, he still loves you. He had less contact with you, because he's trying to get over you.

Ignore him for one more day, and if he calls you, talk to him. Drive your conversation towards your breakup, and how you think you should get back together(if you want to). He won't do this now. Thats men psychology. He'll try to show as if he doesn't care and it doesn't matter to him, but he might just be hoping you guys patch up.



I see the pulling away and lack of communciation as the possiblity that someone else may now be getting that attention. I see last nights text as keeping the safety net in place.

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I see the pulling away and lack of communciation as the possiblity that someone else may now be getting that attention. I see last nights text as keeping the safety net in place.


When I try to get over someone, I stop contacting them. But all the time, I keep thinking about them. So there are 50% chances of each of us's opinions being true. I do agree with you on the second part.

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This is what mind games do. No contact is a mind game. He sees that you are now contacting him, so now he is going to play the game back.

So, if you want him back, you both need to stop playing ridiculous games and talk to each other. Like, what is the POINT of playing foolish games when you both want to reconcile? Communication is how you maintain relationships, and it's the only way to really start new ones.

If you want to lose him forever, keep playing the game.


Me and my ex have been talking for about a month we broke up a little over a month ago with 1 week of no contact... Things were going ok until last week he began to have less contact than usual... No good morning or texts throughout the day mostly, yesterday I gave him some space and didn't contact him at all and he contacted me 9 at night but I didn't respond.. How much do I pull away? Should I text him today? We haven't had the get back together talk yet but we have spoke about taking steps to improve but I feel like this is a step back please help I don't want to do the wrong thing
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He called her beautiful. He asked her how her day was. He's staying in contact. That's quite a bit of substance.


Could he be perhaps calling her beautiful to keep her interests peeked? To keep her confused (which she is) as to his intentions?


None of us know his intentions when it comes down to it, so there really is no way for any of us to do anything more than to speculate.

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This is what mind games do. No contact is a mind game. He sees that you are now contacting him, so now he is going to play the game back.

So, if you want him back, you both need to stop playing ridiculous games and talk to each other. Like, what is the POINT of playing foolish games when you both want to reconcile? Communication is how you maintain relationships, and it's the only way to really start new ones.

If you want to lose him forever, keep playing the game.


Where did she say he wanted to reconcile? She said they were talking and then he more or less stopped communicating for a while.

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He called her beautiful. He asked her how her day was. He's staying in contact. That's quite a bit of substance.


What do you say anytime someone says "Good morning"? You reply "Good morning" and nothing more. That puts the ball right back into his court to continue communication


That makes sense I texted him good afternoon hopefully more communication will follow but the ball is in his court

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From your experience do you think anything will come out of me not perusing him?


From my experience what will come out of you pursueing him is you continuing to build your hopes up, only to have them routinely crushed. People who want to be with someone will be with them, not bounce back and forth.

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I think you should let him initiate contact, and you respond to him. If he says good morning, you reply good morning. If he asks how your day was, you answer him and then ask how his day was. However, do not initiate the contact yourself. Only reply to him.


I know it seems like a game, but this gives him space while still showing that you're interested and responding to him.


I did this for a little over a month with my ex, and he's recently asked me to officially be his girlfriend again. I never cut off communication completely, but I didn't beg, plead, or drive him crazy contacting him either.

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