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I don't know how to act or I don't understand women. Please Help


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First of all, I really want to say thank you for taking the time in reading my thread and maybe even helping me out.


To start things off I just wanted to figure out this girl. I have meet her through a friend (The girl I'm in need of help is my friend's Cousin) Well of course I have meet her through facebook (Yea I know typical) and since I have meet her I was really sweet to her always and in the beginning I was kind of flirtatious with her. Last thing we had together before going our separate ways for awhile was we ended up giving ourselves cute nicknames. The separation occurred because she had gotten a boyfriend and I didn't want to be a obstacle in their relationship in the future. Maybe a year and a half passed and I have figured she had gotten off a relationship, but I didn't go after her right after she got off a relationship because I figured she wasn't ready. So I gave her at least 3 months space or maybe even more. Since then I have communicated her after a very long time of not speaking with her, and the funny thing is we still maintained the cute nicknames we had since then. She questioned me how we ended up with these nicknames and I had reminded her, but she didn't say anything about it.


I have been sweet to her sending her good morning text, good night text, and mostly posting really sweet things. She mentioned that I am the sweetest guy she has meet, and that we should meet soon (in person). I agreed on her on meeting soon, but the thing is she hardly text back or replies really late or even use her cellphone. I understand that she's busy, and what not and believe me I have patience in women. So I figured I be patient until she is not really as busy. She does message me randomly which makes me happy and shows that she is really reading my messages. The thing is I don't know what to do or how to act. I'm not really good when it comes to women I have zero experience This strange guy also sent me a friend request and he had her as mutual she was the only mutual friend we had so i questioned her about it, and she mentioned that he was a guy in the past she HAD a crush on. So i figured she prob still does so I was there as a friend and told her to tell me about it maybe I can help her. She said that nothing really happen and she said thanks. Since then she hasn't brought it up.


I'm just really confused right now please help

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Ok well the strange guy is still after her, he only wants to contact you because he wants to know his competitors, do not contact him.


Second, don't go out with her, you are just rebound material, she already has an ex she has problems with, but you are only there for temporary reasons, think about it.


If you were really what she wanted, she would have gone out with you in the beginning , if you ask her she'll give excuses on why not which you should not believe, in the end she is just gonna complain about you, and will use that excuse to go back to her ex. Trust me , been there done that.


If anything, get yourself a new girl who completely goes for you, and doesn't have an ex still lingering in the background, bad news as always. If you still wanna give it a try and break your heart, be my guest.

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She likes you, you entertain her when she's not busy with something else, but she's not really interested in you as a potential boyfriend, I'm afraid.


How far away from you does she live? If I'm reading you right, you've known each other on FB around two years and you still haven't actually met each other?

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You have a point... The thing is I never really attempted to ask her out because I always get this vibe from her that she is not interested. So I always seem to push away to keep my guard up. I mean your right I've only experience one girl from my entire life who showed me real interest and I know how it feels, and with this girl I don't feel the same feeling what's so ever.




I figured, well I would say not to far I can probably get to her on bus within 15 mins or so and with car 5 mins


Maybe more or less not quite sure I lost track of time. But, it's been this long because I started talking to her and was flitatious the first approximately 2 and half months, stopped talking for 1 month, found out she got a bf and stopped talking to her for maybe a year and a half or more, found out she was single left her alone for maybe 2 to 3 months so she could move on, started talking to her again for maybe 3 or 6 months? Dunno but it's not like before where we talked for a long period of time maybe now that she's in college now she's 2 years younger than me

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I figured, well I would say not to far I can probably get to her on bus within 15 mins or so and with car 5 mins


Maybe more or less not quite sure I lost track of time. But, it's been this long because I started talking to her and was flitatious the first approximately 2 and half months, stopped talking for 1 month, found out she got a bf and stopped talking to her for maybe a year and a half or more, found out she was single left her alone for maybe 2 to 3 months so she could move on, started talking to her again for maybe 3 or 6 months? Dunno but it's not like before where we talked for a long period of time maybe now that she's in college now she's 2 years younger than me


If she's a five-minute drive from you and has ever been interested, I just don't get why you haven't met up.

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If she's a five-minute drive from you and has ever been interested, I just don't get why you haven't met up.


Hmmm, well I guess she wasn't interested and I mean I'm whiling to meet her and she told me "We should meet soon" twice. The thing is I'm dumbfounded when it comes to love I don't know how to act, is that like an invitation of her letting me ask her out to dinner or to the movies? I have been single since middle school maybe 9 years until now I don't know how it all works anymore. Lately I have been getting jealous and kind of bugged from her actions. Jealousy because other guys put hearts and Kisses when commenting on her pictures she puts hearts in return and likes their comment. She replies to them, and to me? all she really does is like what I post? I just don't understand why? did she find out that i'm developing a crush over her? She's a busy women as well she goes to school and stays on task on her studying I mean I do as well, but I always have the time to message her and tell her sweet stuff.

Recently she posted a picture and one of her family members was teasing her about me. We both have cute nicknames for each other and I posted on her wall telling her something sweet. Then her family member called her by the cute nicknames only we call each other and she laughed and said she's being silly.


Here is more detail: link removed


I just don't know what to do anymore I feel pathetic alone asking questions on forums and advice. I'm just afraid of being abandoned and hurt again. I want to learn how all this love scene works I want to experience it too, but sadly I'm just no good or people don't even find me attractive. All my friends probably think I'm just a problematic friend who is filled with problems. I vent to them, and now that I need them the most they avoid me talking about negativity because they are just tired of it. I'm tired of it too, I'm just tired of it all. I just can't seem to trust anyone anymore, not even myself.


i'm sorry for venting to you guys went all over a different subject


sorry for my grammar, I was writing this while shedding tears.

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she told me "We should meet soon" twice


is that like an invitation of her letting me ask her out to dinner or to the movies?


It's a sign she wants to meet, sure. Why not keep it really simple first time, just meet up for coffee...not a big date, just a first in-person meeting, and see how it goes from there.


I feel pathetic alone asking questions on forums and advice.


There's nothing pathetic about that, nobody can stand alone in life and everybody needs advice sometimes.

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It's a sign she wants to meet, sure. Why not keep it really simple first time, just meet up for coffee...not a big date, just a first in-person meeting, and see how it goes from there.




There's nothing pathetic about that, nobody can stand alone in life and everybody needs advice sometimes.


I will try she's "Not good at replying" I text her and she either doesn't reply or replies late, but I will let you know how it goes.


*sigh* Thank you very much! it makes me feel better, really. Apparently I've been alone all my life only close people I really have is my family.

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I will try she's "Not good at replying" I text her and she either doesn't reply or replies late, but I will let you know how it goes.


*sigh* Thank you very much! it makes me feel better, really. Apparently I've been alone all my life only close people I really have is my family.



Woman seem to reply faster to these types of text messages


1. Confusing Texts


2. Teasing Texts


3. Funny Texts




Woman tend to ignore these types of text messages from guys


1. "Good Morning"


2. "Happy Monday'


3. "Hi, how are you"


4. "How is your day going"

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