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Wow! I had the feeling you were a composer, as Sibelius only completed 7 symphonies with the 8th left incomplete. So the 9th would be in your imagination? Or did you compose a symphony inspired by him and call it his 9th?


I'm a classical musician myself, so I can definitely appreciate Sibelius! And maybe you will meet him and other composers one day...But now is not the time!


I just read your post from yesterday about your ex. You sounded hopeful then and cited her and her daughter as a reason to live. What changed since then?

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From one classical musician to another, please don't leave this world... We need you here, we need your creativity and musical ideas!! It truly shatters my heart to know a fellow classical music lover is planning to take his own life. I really feel that classical musicians share a special connection, and it would pain me to lose you, as odd as that may sound. We really do need you here.

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You know.....when I added the number 9 to my screen name I had not put that together in my head. What a remarkable observation on your part. The number 9 just happens to be my special number but... I was writing my first symphony, which I could subtitle Sibelius' ninth (since it is inspired by 3 of his pieces for string orchestra) but I don't feel like I'm worth any such effort. It's nice that a colleague reached out. I wish I weren't so late for me. I have completely given up all hope of recovering.


As for them....I'll probably never see them again. I've never known what peace feels like. I'm so tormented by everything and everyone. I can't even write down the music in my head as fast as it makes its way into me and becomes a storm of sound. It's agonizing.

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I'm so glad to know someone out here knows a thing or two about Sibelius. He's often overlooked (even in conservatory settings). I cannot comprehend why we must negate the lat Romantics as if their music were a blight on the 20th century. Sibelius was far ahead of his time in how he handled orchestral textures and colors. He was a Nordic impressionist before there was any worthwhile Nordic ANYONE (with all due respect to Grieg and Nielsen and subsequent ones that hold a dear place in my heart. Without Sibelius there is no Rautavaara, Sallinen, Saariaho, or Aho...to name a few of Finland's best).

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Yes, I did ballet and piano from age 3 but was injured at 19, destroying my future as a dancer, and my sole focus became piano. You know what is giving me goosebumps? I was listening to Sibelius earlier tonight and was about to go to bed when I suddenly felt like checking ENA. That's when I saw your name on here and clicked on the post.

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You're right that Sibelius seems underappreciated or at least understudied. At my conservatory we barely uttered his name even once, with the exception of one of his symphonies on a listening exam!


Seriously, we need you here!! I know it can be overwhelming when you have so many ideas and sounds swirling through your head, but isn't that a sign that you have much to accomplish yet in this life? If your mind were BLANK it would be another story. But your mind and creative spirit is rife with ideas and it would be a disservice to the classical music world and to Sibelius himself if you left this world early.

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I am from Florida but have recently moved to Mexico. I'll be returning to the States by this coming summer. I would love to know your name but I don't think I should ask through this medium. I'd like to compose a nocturne for you to play at the piano with your name as the theme of the melody. I say a nocturne because I did meet you at night and you pianist love those anyways.

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I know you're a stranger and yet I don't mean to let you down, however, I don't know that I can make it past tonight. It's too much at this point. It's 27 years of agony and trying everything to get better but it follows me, it penetrates me and I won't let me rest. I think I deserve some peace.

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I know you're a stranger and yet I don't mean to let you down, however, I don't know that I can make it past tonight. It's too much at this point. It's 27 years of agony and trying everything to get better but it follows me, it penetrates me and I won't let me rest. I think I deserve some peace.


Please don't. What about the nocturne?

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