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I cheated on my boyfriend and wish i hadn't

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I started doing drugs and drinking a couple of months ago. I was taking diet pills,aderol, ritilin, smoking pot and drinking for these two months. i started doing them all at the same time about 2 weeks ago. I got really f-ed up one night and cheated on my boyfriend with someone whom i thought was my friend. Obviosly he wasn't. Anyway my boyfriend knew and things have been really bad.

I live with him and his son and have been for 2 years. I love him so much and he used to love me or maybe he still does, i don't know now. Our life has been very good until 2 months ago and i don't know what to do. I am starting counseling today and i am still living with him, and he doesn't seem like the same person. i hurrt him so very badly. i haven't done ANY drugs or anything in a week and i never will again. i told him that the girl that did those horrible things is dead and he tells me that the guy i used to know is too. what can i do? i feel as though he left and there is another person here now. please help.

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bedokat, why'd you cheat on him anyway? You say you got f-ed up, but couldn't you control yourself? Sounds to me like you're not ready for a serious relationship. Which makes all this even weirder is that fact that you two live(d) together - a pretty committed thing for two people to do. You'd think there'd be that trust there. You broke this trust. It's gonna take awhile to gain it back, if at all.

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give him time .. you chetted on him... hes got to b hurting so bad inside right now... giv him space, mabe go and stay with a friend for a while so he can sort out his feelings without the pressure and stress of you being there. even if he doesend up forgiven you... ther will almost deff b doubts ther on his mind wonderin if u hav eva dun it b4 or since. i think the best thing is to jst giv him space, if he loves you and you love him, you will sort things out all in goodtime x...good luck and i hope u'v learnt frm your mestakes.

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no, i couldn't control myself. i don't even know what happened. i didn't go out planning to cheat on my boyfriend. i was just going over to my friend's house. i have never ever cheated on anyone before. well, the the boyfriend i had before this one. but we weren't really together when i got with the boyfriend i had now so i don't believe that time counts.

but no, i have never cheated, and he did trust me with everything. i am still living with him, and i am still taking care of his son and i just don't know what to do. i never wanted this to happen. i didn't think that it ever would.

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bedokat, if you were cheating with friends,drinking and doing drugs....you couldn't have had much respect for yourself,and thereforeeeeeee was never going to respect your boyfriend either. i'm glad you are on the way to recovery and im glad your boyfriend knows the truth so that there won't be anymore misconceptions between you. GOOD LUCK. 8)

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i do have respect for myself. a few things have happened that led up t this.first off i had an abortion about a year and a half ago, and then my dad died last december. i was talking to my sister one night and we smoked some pot and that was it. i started doing all sorts of drugs. and i do respect my i don't even know if he is my boyfriend, but i do respect him. i cant give him space because all the friends i have are drug addicts. he was and is my best friend. we have never had any sort of problems or fights or anything until i started doing drugs. the person that i was when i was doing drugs isn't me. it was likesomeone invaded my body and took over. i dont know what to do. i love him so much. i miss him. i want him to talk to me and laugh with me and play video games with me and everything that we did before this mess. i hate myself so much for letting this happen. i hate drugs. i hate the people i know that do drugs. can people get over something like this? will things ever get better?

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Hmmm,... The way I see it, I'm amazed your boyfriend still lets you stay there,...and you say you never cheated on him before, but if you 2 really had a good relationship, he would have known you were different, and asked you what was up. People don't do that many drugs and go unnoticed, and they usually lie...ALOT!, I know from experience. Maybe he wasn't as close as you thought?..Does he do drugs? You know telling the truth can do wonders for a relationship, and also in this forum. I find it hard to believe that if you were on that many drugs for that long, you werent doing questionable things all along. There is really nothing you can do for him right now, It's all in his hands, you need help obviously, but actions have consequences, and he may not want to be with you anymore...even if just for health reasons,...you need to assume hes long gone and worry about getting help for yourself, or you will do it again.

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