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Piercings (A question for the guys)


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I'm just wondering what guys think of a girl with piercings? I know some people who have gotten piercings like tongue, nipples, bellybutton etc to make themselves feel sexier, but i've heard guys say that they think girls with piercings other than ears look a bit feral, which seems a bit silly to me seeing as they're getting them to make themselves look better, not worse.

So, anyway, I was just wondering what everyone's opinions on this are. Do you think girls look better with pierced ears, are eyebrow rings too OTT, are bellybutton piercings skanky, do you think tongue rings look great? Just wondering what your thoughts were on it.

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It would depend a lot on the person and the nature of the piercing or tattoo. Also, pretty much any piercing is fine, its when you have like a lip piercing, tongue piercing, both nipples, you eyebrow, 5 in each ear, and one on your chin all at once that it tends to become a turn off....same with tattoos....tattoos are fine but when you covered in them its a turn off

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>Sorry to jump in on your post kitz, but in addition to piercings can we also find out about tattoos...I'm interested in what the guys have to say too...


Oops, I forgot about tattoos! Yeah, I wouldnt mind finding out about them either .

I went into this tattoo shop with a friend once, and saw this poster that said "the only difference between tattooed people and non-tattooed people is that tattooed people don't care wether you are or aren't."

I found that odd, because i've never had anything against tattoos (or piercings), but I guess i'm a bit more laid back compared to some people -- one of my friends' parents wont even let her get her ears pierced until she's 18! (like, hello XD)

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My personel opinion is, I don't ear piercings (1 in each) and belly button piercings are sexy.


Im not into tongue or nipple piercings or down there.


In terms of tattoos, I quite like them, they can make a girl look sexier, but it has to be small and in certain places. Places i like a girl to have tattoos are back of shoulder, small of back (just above butt), buttock and ankle. Remember small symbols.

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