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I wrote this poem for my friend to show her how I truly feel about her and to find out if she really does feel the same about me. To encourage her to look into her heart and find the truth.


It's really my first actual serious poem that wasn't a slack job for school. I tried really hard. Please give me advice or comments.


To My Greatest Friend


The hugs we've share I enjoyed a lot

Kissing you cheek I have doubted not

As I looked in your eyes I saw someone true

Someone I wish I could forever hold onto


Silence often hides more than reveals

My love for you, I had hoped to conceal

For fear of rejection and shattered dreams

Why should I show how my heart truly seems?


Time moves slowly now that you know,

What should I do, should I continue this show?

I wish you could know, what I feel deep inside

Every night you're in my thoughts and prayers as I lie


Many believe they have a true love on this earth,

Could this be true, or could it be just mirth

From the moment I met you, I knew you were true

I knew you were here forever, and that I love you


You know what I feel, but is it returned?

Am I alone, about to get burned?

The truth is sometime heard to find

Deep inside your heart it lays there blind


All I ask, is that you be happy with life

You cut your decisions with a sharp knife

Know that I love you, and look deep in your heart

Find what is hidden and bring it out from the dark


We've been friends for so long, it can't end here

All that I feel is that I need to hear

Those words that bring happiness like a fresh morning dew

Those three simple words, "I Love You"


Were we meant to be? I really think so

Where you fit in my life, I don't really know

I love you so much; it's sometimes hard to breathe

When you're on my mind, in my thoughts and dreams


No one has ever meant this much to me

It makes me wonder how this could even be

But deep in my heart lays the warm truth

Know this ; I'm in love with you…

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