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i am so devastated will it ever stop?

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is it bad to say what u feel??? is it bad to want to let out everything u feel and get it off ur chest my ex accuses me of still wanting him and being in denial because i tell him how i feel he says i look for arguments just because i want some type of attachment with him......he says i cant let go and thats y i do dumb things and start arguments i dont start arguments i say how i feel and of course he doesnt like it i wonder if i dont say nuthin he will continue to use me now since i say how i feel im a dumb person and still want him back, what do i do???....im moving out nov 16th it doesnt get here too soon..


it started because he went in the fridge and was about to get some orange juice and i asked him did u buy any orange juice here? well then he told me noone is going to take ur stuff u dumb person and he told me i dont kno why u feel the need to tell me things it seems that u have a lot of things u want to say but u should be intelligent enuff to kno i dont care and im not listening im blocking u out i told him if u block me out so much y do u throw them back in my face and he told me has a lot in his chest about me but he chooses not to start nuthin i told him well im the type that have to let it out...im finding myself feeling down because he has insulted me so much he told me i have nuhtin to offer and i am beggining to think i really i have good days but today my heart is skipping a beat he comes in and out the house like he owns the world like he has so much going for him and i am just sitting here offering nuhtin

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It's best to say what you feel. I know I have a hard time saying what I feel and it makes me sick. I mean that literally. Your ex sounds really abusive! You should turn the tables on him and ignore him, walk around like you're hot sh**, act like the world (including him) has to bow down to you. You don't have to act like that when you leave the house just act like that when you're around him. If he tries to insult or irritate you, look at him like he's repulsive and mention something about him being immature or classless. But for the most part ignore him AND walk around with your head high and let your over-confidence fly.

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