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Waking up and feeling awful and hollow...what to do?


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Hi all,


I've noticed this has been happening to me for the past few days. I wake up and feel awful and hollow, I feel like everything is crumbling around me, I don't understand why I've been feeling SO low. I'm not interested in uni work much this year in general, i'm not interested in friends too much, I'm not interested in applying for internships or looking forward to see what life has in store for me. The worst thing is I know I'm talented and I can achieve anything I put my mind and resources to. I've just been a bit stressed lately, but I know this phase can (and hopefully will!) pass for me and that I won't always feel so low because I need to realise and keep reminding myself of all the positives I do have.


I find that as I progress along the day that I feel better about everything and really really positive, but whenever I wake up it seems to reset the feeling of hollowness. Has anyone ever had a similar feeling? If so what did you do? What did you focus on? If you went to counselling, did it help?


Many thanks to all

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I know exactly how you feel. I get up and its all just sitting on your chest. Best thing to do that I have found is do your morning rituals and exert energy. Even if you feel like you don't have any. It puts your mind and body to work and you can "realign" your head. I make up things to do for just this reason, like, leaving dishes to do, or do chores or just get walking/running. Some kind of exercise. Hope it helps.

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Pretty much the way I wake up every morning. For me it has a lot to do with missing my ex next to me..but I've also been depressed for a long time. For me having some type of schedule or something to look forward to will help. Doesn't even have to be something big. It could be just cooking a nice big breakfast for myself.

Just try and find some type of pride in the smaller things you do for yourself. Also, I see a psychologist once a week, that helps as well!

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Hi Aw1992,


At the moment London is going through the darkest period of its calendar year, in terms of full spectrum light. Your symtoms may be due to Seasonal Affective Disorder.


SAD may begin at any age but the main age of onset is between 18 and 30 years.


I've enclosed a UK link, detailing the symptoms of SAD. link removed. If it rings a bell, then make an appointment with your GP to discuss appropriate intervention. If you click on the tabs at the top of the page, you will be given further details about the illness and prescribed treatments.


Many people find that an increase in Vitamin D3, via supplements or prescription injection, helps - as well as a daily dose of high quality Cod Liver Oil. However you first port of call would be to discuss this with your GP. No need to suffer in silence.


Anyway, read up and see what you make of it.


All the Best



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I know that feeling so well, it's the WORST. I can't manage to shake it all the time, but sometimes it helps me to pick out one thing about every day that I'm looking forward to - no matter how tiny. Even if it's just knowing I'll come home and watch something in particular on Netflix, or eat something good for lunch. (Usually I do better than that, but every day is different, ya know?) At any rate, it seems to help at least the smallest amount.

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