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Is calling ok?

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I see no harm in asking a girl out on the phone. I ran into the same problem recently. I couldn't ever get this girl alone, got her number, asked her out and all is good so far. I agree that nothing beats being able to see her reactions, body language, facial expressions, etc., but its better on the phone than not asking at all.

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I think that calling a girl on the phone and asking her out is ok since it is the second most direct way of talking to someone. I still prefer asking her in person since I like to see her reaction twords me, but if you can't find her alone or you just don't see her too much then call her up and ask her out. Good Luck!

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I see no problem in asking a girl for a date over the phone. In the dating game, sometimes you run into a situation where it cannot be done otherwise. I mean, if you meet a nice woman in the grocery store, I'd ask her phone number, so we can talk. I guess then there's no other option than asking her out for a date over the phone.


I hope that this helped you guys, too


~ SwingFox ~

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you don't want to ask her out in front of her friends, but you do want to ask her out in person. How about you go up to her in class or just before class or something....or even to slip her a note, just asking, can we talk after class today?


Then ask her out then. Besides, by then she'll probably already know what you're going to do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How did you get her phone number in the first place? If you were able to ask her phone number in person to her directly, then you obviously have enough confidence the ask her out in person... If you didn't ask her directly then she'll be wondering just how you got her phone number...

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i totally think calling is ok. there is this girl that i've been getting to know for a while now and we actually met just by hanging out with a group of friends. got her screen name and number and just started chatting with her here and there, and eventually felt confident enough that she would be comfortable with me so i called and asked her out.


but i dont think you should just call without getting to know her some. getting to know her over the phone or over IM, let her feel comfortable around you first, then go for the date. i think this advice only works if you want to work on a relationship.

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