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help asking out

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wow, I have got to the wossiest person alive. Here goes... The other day my friend asked me to ask out this girl for him. I did, she said yes, and know he is like really happy and saying how he ows me big. Cool, but how come i can ask someone out for him and not the girl I like for me? help please on how to, I am ready to go for it, I just need to know how.

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dude, asking someone out can seem scary at first, but once you have done it there will be no problem


first off, im assuming you have spoken to this chick before, maybe you are friends.


secondly, pick a location. typically, the movies are the most popular venue.


thirdly, decide your line! nothing worse than ***ing things up and stammering and shit.


here is what you might ask her...


Hey (insert name here, I was just wondering, if you'd wanna catch up after school sometime or maybe go to the movies?


If she has some maturity she wont care if you *** up saying things.


p.s. NEVER get someone else to ask her out for you. that is stupid, piss weak, and youll get a bad rep for being a wussie.

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i know exactly what you mean. its so easy to do it for someone else but when it comes to yourself its like oh $#(#. ive been trying to find the balls to ask this girl out for like ever, and when i go to see her its like i go over with how im going to ask her out n stuff. but when i see her i shut up, cant talk, cant move, nothing. its amazing. It would be so easy to find a girl i didnt like and ask out. i guess it all comes down to showing our emotions. i think i might be afraid of commitment too. whatever it is, it sucks. at the bars when im drunk i can talk to anyone, so i think if i get a little liquid courage in me, ill be able to ask her out. sounds pathetic, but its true. good luck cause guys like us need it

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Hey how's it going guys. Well what can I say but I know that it's hard to ask a girl that you like out. I had the same problems some time ago. I liked this girl for maybe a period of two months or more. It was killing me inside when I saw her. I wanted to ask her out so much that it wasn't even funny anymore. I didn't want my friend asking her out for me because that would be just stupid, it would make me look like an unconfident and weak person. I knew her since we had a class together and we were friends so she knew me and I knew her. So I did get the courage and I did ask her out and it turned out that we only stayed friends. I wanted us to be more then friends but she only liked me as a friend. Well rejection happens and there is no way from stopping it. I know that it's hard to ask someone out. It might be the fear or rejection or you might be shy. I know when you drink alcohol you could do just about everything, you could talk to just about anyone because you have no or little control over yourself, but before you consider drinking you need to think clearly because the last thing that I want to do is make and ass out of myself and walk up to a girl in a bar drunk saying some stupide shit. She might freak out and just reject you right then and there. Well hope I helped. Remember to have confidence in yourself. GOOD LUCK to all you guys !

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