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I dont kno what to do

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I really dont kno what to do bcuz like i feel as tho i have no1 that actully cares about me i mean my mother tells me im not wated and my father is just out of the pictuer and i thought suicide was the best answer and i really dont kno what to do some1 please help me

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Hi, I don't think suicide is the answer and it sounds like that's not really what you want to do, but you are feeling very sad and like things are out of control, like you don't have any options.


I don't know your mom, but my sister is a single parent and I know that it is stressful so it may be possible that your mother tells you that you're not wanted because she feels frustrated and like her life is out of control. It sounds like she's treating you like you are her punching bag and that's not right. I certainly hope that ALL mothers care about their children.


Do you have an adult that you trust that you can talk to about your problems? How old are you? It really sounds like you could use a good role model in your life.


If you want to chat about anything just PM me and I will respond as soon as I can.

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Trust me, There are people that love and care for you. I thought the same thing when I tried to commit suicide. I thought the world hated me and wanted me gone, and the best solution was committing suicide. I tried committing suicide 14 times in two and a half week. Did I survive? Yes. Do I regret trying? Yes. Do I want to live now? Yes.


There are many questions you need to ask yourself before even attempting. On my last attempt, I began to fade away, and I saw the faces of my closest friends and my niece who was only a few weeks old, and the face of my 3 year old nephew, and I saw the love in their eyes, and somehow I came back to conscinousceness (sorry, I have no idea how to spell that). I realized there are people there that love and cared for me, and I decided right then that I could get through everything and move on. I will never completely move on from everything, but it's a lot easier knowing people are there for me.


Please, just think hard about all the people you love, and think about all the people in your life, and think about how much this would hurt them and see how much they do love you.

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when you realize how much of a permanent solution to a temporary problem suicide is, i hope you will understand that it's not what you really want. you can get through this and you can get back on your feet and things can work out for you, too. i'm not the only one who can beat this suicide thing. just do things to occupy your time for now and before you know it you'll be back on your feet. join a gym or go for walks or something. exercise is good for making your brain feel better. find a hobby. play an instrument. watch some good movies or listen to some good music. write. TALK TO SOMEONE. something, you can do it. if you end your life, you'll never know what could have worked out for you. believe me, w'ere only given this one life and we're going to die anyway, so you might as well try your best to take advantage of your time here. i know things are hard and life does in fact get tough, but you can bounce back. just try not to get lost in your current situation and sadness. don't let your emotions get the best of you. don't drown in this pool of sadness, but lift yourself out of it and take control of those aspects in your life you're unhappy about. it'll be a gradual thing, but you can do it. hey if you ever wanna talk, please email me, i'd love that. take care and hang in there, you can do it. this is your life, not your parents. you can get through this. deal with them for now, but one day youre going to be living your own life, not under your parents direction. you have so much opportunity waiting for you. be proud of who you are. i know it will be hard, but this is your life. life is what you make of it. you can do this. just remember youre not alone and were here for you and so are many people in your life. take care and msg me if you want! see ya

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  • 3 weeks later...

We are here for you, and we care, just let us get closer to you, a lot more people in your place will care for you, it's just a matter of looking for the best ways to make sure that happens. The fact that you are asking for help means a lot, it says you're smart and I have the feeling that you have a good heart. Do you have MSN? you can contact me via PM or via MSN; I'm there as email removed, sometimes talking in real time can give a better picture and thereforeeee to help in a better way.


Count on me and trust good things will come.



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  • 3 months later...

well first i think ur mum has got issues coz no parent in there right mind would tell their children that they are not wanted, i think that maybe u should go and see ur doctors as ur mum aint there for u but please remember that killing urself is not the answer, i really hope u can get over this, take care.

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