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Emotionally attached to ex-boyfriend is this nromal?

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Me and my boyfriend have broken up recently and it's been hard for me! we were both emotionally attached to each other and since i have lost him i feel like a part of me is missing. Is this normal? i mean i have always felt this emotional bond between us like if i wasnt holding him when he was away or i didnt see him that i would feel this emptiness. I feel like this isnt normal! does anyone else feel this way?

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What you are feeling is totaly normal. I am really sorry that the two of you broke up and I know that you are experiencing a feeling of loss right now.


The fact that you had this strong bond will allow you to have another strong bond with the right guy. Make sure that you know exactly why this relationship ended. Do not blame yourself. Relationships take work and as long as both parties are willing to work on the relationship, they are normally ok.

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Of course it's normal, break-ups are an extrememly painful experience, even more so if you were vey attached to your partner. However, this feeling of emptiness will eventually begin to subside as you move on. Don't rush the process, it will happen eventually. In the meantime, try not to go backwards by obsessing over your ex and the relationship, but rather focus on the present and surround yourself with people and things which bring you happiness.

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Everyone goes through the stage where they still feel the bond with the ex and sometimes it never goes away but hopefully even in that case, you learn to accept their absense in your life as a boyfriend. Time is really the key to this process. Give yourself time and be good to yourself and try not to cling to your ex because he will sense it and it might just make him mad.

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That's how I feel. Sometimes I cannot believe he is gone. Sometimes I believe he has to come back because its him and we are connected right? And he has to be feeling this too? Well apparently he doesn't. Maybe its like a ghost pain that amputees feels. That limb must still be there if you can feel it? So what you are feeling is very normal and very sad.

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