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15 and 18 year old

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Hey all,


I am 18 years old and am with a 15 yr old girl.... I am just wondering what most people's impressions of having a 3 year age diff are? We've been together for a year and really love each other but it's annoyin how people judge all the time based on age.


Thanks for ur input,


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Hey all,


I am 18 years old and am with a 15 yr old girl.... I am just wondering what most people's impressions of having a 3 year age diff are? We've been together for a year and really love each other but it's annoyin how people judge all the time based on age.


Thanks for ur input,



Well, at those ages, I'd be careful and use some thought dealing with sex. Don't put yourself in a position to get accused of statutory rape.


I think that difference is a little large at those ages. But, in a few years, that difference will be nothing. As you are 18, I bet some things in your life with start changing. That could really affect the relationship. Her getting to this stage could also change it. You may grow and mature at different rates, and that could sink it. But I don't see anything "wrong" with it in theory.

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Well just remember, since you are an adult and she is a minor, there are legal issues that could evenutally cause you problems...


as far as the age difference.. Isiah and I are 4.5 years apart, and I see nothing wrong with it.. however I am nearly 18 and I am mature enough to date someone who is older than me...


at 15 just make sure you dont make her think she needs to grow up too fast.... remember she is still a young lady, not yet a woman, and she needs that time to have fun like all 15 year olds should have....


so long as her parents approve of this relationship, then really I dont think there's a problem

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I've said it before and I'll say it again: age is a number. What matters is maturity. If you two work well together, and you care about each other, then don't pay any attention to the criticisms. But yes, be very careful in the area of sex, as you really don't want to be accused of statutory rape. But three years is not bad at all! I'm 19 and I'm with a guy who is 8 years older than me, and we are great together! We got a lot of guff at first, but now it's like no one even knows there's an age difference! So don't stress over it. The relationship is about the two of you, not what everyone else thinks.

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My boyfriend and I are nearly 3 years apart, and it's really no big thing. I haven't heard even ONE thing about our age gap. To me, it's barely a gap. I think it just depends. The younger you both are, the worse it seems and the more careful you have to be. The older you both are, it seems like a smaller deal.

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