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7 months on

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Hi all its been 7 months since he broke up with me, i really truly thought he was my soulmate before i met him i was 2 yrs out of a 18 yr relationship, he also broke my heart thought i would never get over him then i met my recent ex we got o so well we just clicked


we were together 3 and half yrs got engaged 3 mnths before he left, there were looking back cracks in our relationship but we worked through them i think the biggest thing was his addiction to cocaine i dont think i knew the real him but never the less i truly loved him


we had a argument one night and that was it over we never talked it through it was just gone, 3 mnths after we broke up he phoned me to say he didnt realise his drug taking had such affect on me because i acepted his habit maybe i should have been honest with him and tol him the truth how i felt his drugs were affecting me but too late now, NC has helped me alot ive never begged or called him he never contacted me either since the last call


he has moved on which make me think he never trully loved me but i will never know i think he is with someone else he is 47 she is 31 i know age doesnt matter but i still feel hurt and let down iam also 47 and think iam too old now to start again but hopefully somewere the one is out there for me


I just felt the need to write all of this down thanks for reading

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hello darling ..you have had a hard battle I know , your op sounds sad, but also accepting with hope

for the future , so you have come a long way .


as you know I am in my 40's as well ,and myself and my best friend have often said we hoped

we wouldn't be going through this bull crap at this age . but ...20's , 30's , 40's and so on ..there is

no exclusive age for heartbreak .


I sit in wonderment at how you got over an 18 yr relationship ..wow

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Hi star i was completely heartbroken when my 18 yrs relationship broke up and now when i see him there is nothing i feel for him strange how you think you will never get over someone but in time you do

i just feel my recent one is the one i will never get over but time is a great healer x

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It is amazing to read that you could over come that 18 years.


I feel like you , every other time I have just moved on ..never look back ..but this time , well

this time is different . You know I still love him now as I did back then . Neither him or I have

ever contacted each other , not once has the infamous NC been broken . I would welcome it ,

he didn't do anything wrong and I have a huge respect for who he is and what he brought to my and

emily's life .


there is something very unique about him and I miss him .


but like you .. I will keep trudging on ...

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