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Love... I really do love it.

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Okay I need help making a decision. I had this really freaky dream yesterday basically telling me that I should call my friend,who I happen to be in love with, in the dream my things in my room were coming to life and talking to me. everything was basically saying that if I love her than I need to call her, or talk to her right away. the only problem is that my mom has grounded me do to bad grades. I'm not allowed to use the comp. at home, and I can't use messenger at school, and I'm not allowed to call anyone,and I don't know her mailing adress.

I'm scared that if I call her and its just a wakey dream then I get into trouble with my mom over nothing, but then I'm scared that it might be true and if I don't call then I wont ever know.

normally I would call when my mom is not home or something, but my mom has said that she is going to get the phone company to print out a list of phone calls made, so I don't know. if any one can help me or tell me what I should do, I would love to hear from you.

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Ooh it sounds like you're in a very tricky situation here. Are you good enough friends to ask her to call YOU? If you have her mob number then txt her asking her to call maybe? If not, try to think when you'll next see her, it'll be much better if you say what you want to say face to face. Phone I suppose is ok - but when talking to someone about something like this - it's always good to see exactly how they react to certain things (expressions etc).


Other than that I can't think of anything else you could do

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by what I got from the dream I sounded like I didn't have long to do it, as for seeing her I wont see her for a while, she live near my dad and I dont get to go there for another two weeks at least. someone help pls, do you think I should go ahead and try to call her?

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Does your mum know how much you like this girl and want to call her? I would have thought that if you let her know how serious you are then she'd understand. If you can't let her know right now, then I think you should call her. Go with what you think is right, because love is too precious to lose..

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