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I agree with tiger_lilies. I also wouldn't tell him right before or after sex. At least wait 30 min. before or after that.


Also, be prepared for a lot of questions and have well planned explanations. I am not out myself so I couldn't really help you with that part. He will probably want to know the hows, whys, whens, whats, etc.


What made you convert? Good luck. Tell us what happens.

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you should tell him immediately....well, if he's like me anyway. And if he is, he'll love it! that is if you've turned bisexual and not all the way lesbian where he can't join.


I don't know many lesbians.. But I'm not sure it's good to perpetuate the stereotype that bisexual people love to have threesomes or multiple partners.


Just because someone has chosen an alternative lifestyle, like being a lesbian or gay, does not mean they are no longer monogamous.

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you should tell him immediately....well, if he's like me anyway. And if he is, he'll love it! that is if you've turned bisexual and not all the way lesbian where he can't join.


I don't know many lesbians.. But I'm not sure it's good to perpetuate the stereotype that bisexual people love to have threesomes or multiple partners.


Just because someone has chosen an alternative lifestyle, like being a lesbian or gay, does not mean they are no longer monogamous.


lol I wasn't implying that he had to join or in anyway that she wanted him to join. But maybe i shouldn't have assumed that she was still going to stay with him? ...but that's for her to decide. If she wants to be a lesbian and divorce her man, then that's fine. But if she still wants to be with him (as in being bisexual) but also have women in her life, then i'm sure her man won't mind, unless he finds the other woman unattractive.

but if not, and she wants to be strictly with other women, then that's her choice and i think she should tell her man and get on with her life and sexuality. in no way was i intending that she needed or wanted an orgy type sexual life just because of her sexual preference.

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I agree with everyone--you need to tell him ASAP. And, I have a question:


How do you "convert" to lesbianism? Is that something you can convert to? My thought were, that having feelings towards the same sex is wired into a person (just as it is for those who have feelings towards those who are the opposite sex). I just feel it's harder for homosexuals to realize their feelings, simply because society has put such a harsh ideology on being gay or lesbian. Society conforms to what is believed to be normal and not normal--and unfortuanety, being gay and lesbian isn't normal in society. What's sad, is that it should be, because being gay or lesbian is just as normal as being heterosexual. Our sexual orientation is not something we wake up and decide one day. What we do decide is how we approach that fact.


I wish you the best of luck in telling your boyfriend. I don't suspect he'll take it very well, but it's better to be honest that lead a lie--the sooner you tell him, the better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you really sure you are a lesbian? Or Bisexual? I don't want to confused you more, just want you to make sure about your preference. No matter who you are, please tell him right a way because you are holding your and his lives back. Please make sure you communicate with him clearly, softly and directly. To me, it might be best to tell him while he is at your house or some place where you two can talk privately with any distraction. Good luck, Gal. Let us know how it turns out.

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