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How to turn on the charm


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Lately with my girlfriend and myself, I have turned on the charm quite a lot but I don't really know if it's going anywhere, so what should I do to step up my efforts in turning on the charm even more without coming off as being desperate since I have been acting nice towards her and she even says that she misses me too but I don't want to push her or pressure her into something that she is not ready for or won't be ready for, and she wants me to come over but I don't know if I should because I feel like I should protect myself from her because I am scared of hurting her, I guess since I have hurt her quite a lot in the past but she has also hurt me a lot in the past as well, so hence the reason I have turned on the charm

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It was necessary to turn on the charm because I am at odds with her but not for the reasons you think, I lied to her to protect her, and who was it to protect her from? To protect her from myself because I told her that I was going away for 2 weeks but in actuality I did not go away at all, I just said that so that way I did not have to come over. The reason I did that is because I am afraid of hurting her all over again due to things that have happened in the past hence the reason why I felt like I had to stay away from her by lying to her, because so what should I do to step up my efforts in turning on the charm even more without coming off as being desperate since I have been acting nice towards her and she even says that she misses me too but I don't want to push her or pressure her into something that she is not ready for or won't be ready for, and she wants me to come over but I don't know if I should because I feel like I should protect myself from her because I am scared of hurting her, I guess since I have hurt her quite a lot in the past but she has also hurt me a lot in the past as well, so hence the reason I have turned on the charm

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Well, I don't know if you're going to hurt her by talking to her, but you ARE going to hurt her if you don't go to talk to her.


I think you should stop laying on the charm, be honest with her, and tell her why you did what you did, why you felt you had to protect her from yourself, why you didn't want to come over, etc.


The only way this is going to become better in the long run is if you're straight with each other. It's a really good sign that she misses you... but before you go over... do you want a relationship with her or not? Decide that, and stick with your decision. Either way, she deserves to know what is really going on. If you want a relationship with her, tell her whatever it is you need to tell her, and let her decide where to go from there.

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