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How did you meet your Cyber-gf/bf?


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just out of curiosity..


I met my online GF while playing a game of Starwars Galaxies as a fake marriage, she was feeling depressed and i just offered to marry her lol and she accepted. we talked all night that night and i got my webcam 3 days later so we could see eachother face to face.



Sadly however its over because of the distance , after 4 months she couldn't handle it anymore but i still talk to her. She got a real-life bf now and says he makes her happy. shes happy so i'm happy. Before this i figured if i ever broke up I wouldn't feel heartbroken since it wasn't real.. well.. I was wrong 1 month now and i still feel a need to want to hold on too her and cry.


I would shoot for a real-life relationship but i'm too shy and nervous around females. had a girl sit next too me through my junior and senior year i probably only said about 5 things to her and thats about it. also wallet has butterflies in it

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I met my online boyfriend, on a bob dylan disscussion board, nearly 2 years ago, we were friends untuil august where we decided to take it one step further!!


I didnt set out to look for an online boyfriend, but it just happened that way and i couldntnlive with out him!!

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Back in 1997 I had an online bf.... I met him on Yahoo Messenger.. he found me because he was searching for girls who lived in the same city as him. We were still in highschool.. after a few weeks we met and hit it off.... We dated for about 4 months but then he decided he just wanted to be friends with me....That was probably one of the only relationships where I was ok with it. I was happy he told me the truth instead of dragging it out and leading me on. We remained friends till about the end of 2000 and only stopped talking because he went off to college.


Maybe this isnt actually considered an online bf because we actually met... oh well....

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I met my cyber-ex through eNotAlone. It lasted only 3 months and ended about 3 weeks ago. The distance, lack of free time, and the long wait until we could've been together were all contributing factors to her deciding to end the relationship. I didn't want to, but to avoid hurting each other we mutually decided to back off. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I miss her so very much.

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interesting stories people. and yea.. the distance does suck lol. why can't i find the girl next door on the internet talk too her there, then find out she lives next door.. lol that would be awesome


Yeah, that would be great. lol. Oh well. The internet is truly a global community, the chances of the person you meet online living close enough to you for a relationship to work would be extremely small. Unless you were actively searching for someone living close to you through an online dating service or something. I don't think I'll be doing the cyber-relationship thing again.


Well, maybe just not a long distance cyber-relationship.

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Yeah, that would be great. lol. Oh well. The internet is truly a global community, the chances of the person you meet online living close enough to you for a relationship to work would be extremely small. Unless you were actively searching for someone living close to you through an online dating service or something. I don't think I'll be doing the cyber-relationship thing again.


Well, maybe just not a long distance cyber-relationship.


heh, even though my first Cyber Relationship failed i'll still give it another try. i'm really shy in person.


and hey.. it could happen... not likey but it could happen =P


*anyone in Payette Idaho out there?* lol

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heh, even though my first Cyber Relationship failed i'll still give it another try. i'm really shy in person.


and hey.. it could happen... not likey but it could happen =P


*anyone in Payette Idaho out there?* lol


I didn't say that I would give up cyber-relationships completely. I'd just be really careful about starting another long distance one.


I'm really shy in person too, and I feel that is one of the major things that make it so terribly difficult for me to meet women IRL. I always shy away. The Internet makes it easier to meet someone because it allows you to have some anonymity at first. It also gives you time to think out your responses to questions or comments as you type them out so you aren't tripping over your own words. (Something else I tend to do a lot. Also it helps if you are insecure about making a first impression, especially if you are concerned about how you look. (That's another thing I worry about too. I don't think I'm ugly, just not eye catching enough to attract the attention of the opposite sex. In fact sometimes I think I'm invisible. lol)


*Anyone in Kitchener/Waterloo/Cambridge, Ontario out there?* lol

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I met my boyfriend of nine months in an AOL chat room. Neither of us had ever been in that particular chat room before, and it was pure luck that we crossed paths. Also, I probably wouldn't have even talked to him except for the fact that I was curious about why he'd chosen the screen name he was using. I got up the nerve to send him and instant message, and we talked all night, and the rest is history!

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I think I'll tack on a little side question to this thread. I'm curious. For anyone here that has had their cyber-relationship fail due in part to distance, how fart apart were the two of you? I have a feeling that I may have one of the longest ones at approximately 4000 km (2500 miles). How about you?


Yeah, it's late here and I'm tired and bored. lol!

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wow... you just described me completely lol. And yea i like being able too see what i'm saying before i just blurt out random stupidness. lol


And are you talking about Ontario Oregon? if so.. Payette is like 5 miles away lol.


*hope this works...*

link removed






Only one i've been in... was Pacific Coast California to Atlantic Coast Florida. so probably one of the farthest that you can have in the United States. unless like South California to North-east Maine... and yeap it failed talked to her today though so that made my day since we didn't talk for like 3 days and i know i can still trust her as a friend.

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WOOT to all the Oregonians! Portland, here! But only for a few more months, I hope!


One of the biggest arguments I have in favor of online/long distance relationships is that you can let your guard down in the sense that most people are not afraid to be themselves. Sure, you get some people who like to play games and pretend they are someone they're not. But I have made so many great friends since I started wandering into chat rooms last year! Then I looked at dating sites, then finally forums. Between the three I have had some pretty cool experiences with all different types of people. I have had two previous online relationships fail. But the really funny thing is that one of them lived about 45 minutes from me, and the other one lived near some of my family that I visit often, and was less than a day's drive from me. I never met the one who lived near family, and the one who lived 45 minutes away I met twice.


My current BF lives over 2800 miles away on the other side of the country, and we've been going strong for 9 1/2 months. Somehow I don't think that distance is REALLY the major issue with some of these relationships that end. Sure, it can be a factor... But I am skeptical of listing it as the main cause.

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I have had one fail...and I'm sorry to say it whoops urs for distance .....11500 Miles


Wow, yeah, I'd definitely say that whoops mine for distance. lol. Wow, that's like half way around the world!


wow... you just described me completely lol. And yea i like being able too see what i'm saying before i just blurt out random stupidness. lol


Amen to that! lol


And are you talking about Ontario Oregon? if so.. Payette is like 5 miles away lol.


Nope, I'm talking about link removed. That's link removed from you.


Only one i've been in... was Pacific Coast California to Atlantic Coast Florida. so probably one of the farthest that you can have in the United States. unless like South California to North-east Maine... and yeap it failed talked to her today though so that made my day since we didn't talk for like 3 days and i know i can still trust her as a friend.


Mine was from link removed. I'm glad to hear that the two of you still keep in contact with each other from time to time. I haven't heard from my friend in LA for quite a while now. I just hope she's doing okay.


Edit: New Sig and link error corrections.

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45 minutes away i would definently go see. its not every day I buy a plane ticket to go accross the USA..


as for distance.. i would be one of the people that say Distane can break up a long distance relationship.. especially if you've never met before. back when i was talking long term relationship with my gf in florida... I kept thinking to myself theres the woman i wanna spend the rest of my life with, have kids and raise a family together... I can see her, I can hear her, I am in love with her. but i can't hug her, kiss her and make love to her, and do things away from the computer like go to the movies or whatever with her.

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Kingston Ontario Canada here.....


I went to London during thanksgiving weekend to trade spoilers with some guy from Windsor... We were looking for Octoberfest in Kitchener on the way back but we got off at the wrong exit and couldnt find it anywhere.... GRRR!!!




I already posted earlier about my online relationship (guy lived in the same city as i...).... I also chatted with two guys (different times) but I wouldnt really call them my bf... we just loved to chat and WISHED we could be together... one guy was from outside of LA, California, and the other guy was from Connecticut.... with both of them actually we just drifted apart.... I still wouldnt mind seeing what they are up to now...

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I met my girlfriend in an online forum. I answered some question she posted and she didn't see my answer so she private messaged me. We PM'd each other a few times and noticed we had a lot in common. We then started IM'ing each other. Its been 9 months now. She lives in Washington state and i live in Arizona. I'm moving there in 6 months after college gradutation. Going to washington for a week in 3 though

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I love stories like Talon's... if fate hadn't stepped in... If she had SEEN his post, she might not have sent him a PM! So cool! Ever think back on all the lucky things that have happened to you? IF she had seen the post, she might not have sent him a message. If I hadn't stayed in the chat room, even though I was bored, I most likely would never have met my boyfriend. It's strange to think about all the things you might have missed if just ONE thing had been done differently.

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I met my girlfriend in an online forum. I answered some question she posted and she didn't see my answer so she private messaged me. We PM'd each other a few times and noticed we had a lot in common. We then started IM'ing each other. Its been 9 months now. She lives in Washington state and i live in Arizona. I'm moving there in 6 months after college gradutation. Going to washington for a week in 3 though


Heh, my story is quite similar to this, unfortunately fate dealt me a swift kick in the... well, you get the idea... Actually I think fate dealt us both quite a blow. We started off very much like Talon's story. She had posted questions on this forum about shy guys and since I felt that I was more than qualified to answer those questions, I responded. I guess she was pretty impressed with how I answered each and every one of her questions in detail, because a few days later I logged in to find a PM from her waiting for me. We exchanged a few PMs back and forth and then we decided to trade email addys. From there it went to MSN Messenger and then eventually to Audio Conversations via MSN Messenger. Unfortunately that's where it ended. We never had a chance to go any further than that. We had plans to meet in person, but that's when fate stepped in and did its magic.


Let me explain... She is going to university and is studying to eventually go to dental school. Originally she was planning on applying to dental school (Most likely the University of Toronto's School of Dentistry) when she graduated from her program, which was going to be in another 3 years. Unfortunately when she went back for the fall term, she went to see her academic advisor and she found out that it was going to take much longer to graduate than she had figured. It was also highly recommended to her that she get a Masters before applying to dental school to greatly increase her chances of being accepted. This set back her plans many years and with her course loads not getting any easier, and with so many other things going on in her life, such as working to pay for tuition, volunteering, etc. She found herself with no spare time to go online and certainly no spare time to pursue a relationship.


It was already hard enough on her with us being so very far apart, when she found out that her plans were set back even further, by quite a few years, and that we would not be able to be together for so very long, I guess she panicked. That's when she sent me an email explaining how she felt and that she wanted to back out of the relationship. She needed to concentrate on her studies and with me as a constant distraction to her; it would have made it very difficult. Since I would never dream of letting myself interfere with her education or her plans for her future, I reluctantly agreed that ending the relationship would be best to allow her to concentrate on her studies.


I really wish that things could have been different. I really do. But unfortunately, fate can be a real ***** sometimes.

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One of the bext friends I've ever met who knows me inside and out better than anyone I met online accidently in a Yahoo chat room. SHe is indeed the what keeps me going in life. She is the everything to me. It has been a long jounrey though. WE have been talking over two years and its stronger now than ever. It's has its ups and downs... but i can't imagine life without her

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from my earlier posts some of you will know my story


but i met him in a msn chat room where i was a regular for about a year before he arrived, his first day in there and he seemed different to the other guys that came and went, he was geniune and after a couple of hours i plucked the courage to whisper him and we talked the day away after that, next day we chatted for around 15 hours with only a few breaks in between and we were inseperable for 11 months after that first day, sadly almost 7 weeks ago that changed forever as his first g/f from 18 years ago arrived at his door, i think the distance and me not being there with him already stood in the way and within 4 weeks they went off and married, yep he dumped me for her


i am in the Uk and he is in USA, he had travelled here to be with me before too but seems i just wasnt enough for him, hell i dunno what happened to him, all i know is things arent quite right there from what i hear from his family


so who knows what might happen with him, i live in hope tho i am not sure what that hope is for anymore

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