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Very confusing situation..


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Haha I feel weird asking for advice on a forum, but im so confused...


OK so I met this girl and im getting all these mixed signals, I need an opinion here, none of my female friends (whom I usually goto for this kinda advice) can figure this one out either.


So I met this girl a few weeks ago through friends, I noticed she was looking at me accross the room, but that doesn't nessisarily mean anything, anyway I talked to her a bit through the night and we exchanged MSN names. We all decided to go out (we had all been drinking to a bar within walking distance. I walked with the girl the whole way, we held arms and flirted a bit nothing too eventful. Anyhow at the end of the night she invites me to a party she is having with all her close friends that friday. I wake up the next morning and she has already added me and when I log on she makes sure im going to the party later in the week.


Fast foreward to the party, she mostly ignores me the whole night, but she did have ALOT of friends there that she hadn't seen in a while, no big deal I assume shes not actually interested and hangout with some people I know at the party. So a week later im doind homework and she messages me and asks if im going to pub night that week, she invites me to her house because some people are predrinking there before the pub, she even offers to pick me up after class, She is interested after all I think.


That night went very much similar to the first night I met her, we talked a bit during the night and walked to the pub, flirting on the way. When we got there I lost her, again she was with some of her friends she had found. Again I find some people I know and hang with them. Eventually some of us get up to dance and I see the girl by herself. So I go up to her and we dance, she then disappears again, I have a few more beers with my friends and we leave the pub.


The next day the girl messages me asking if I want to hang out that night, I wanted to but had WAY too much homework so I had too decline. She messaged me the other day making sure I was going to the pub again this week, I'm not sure if this girl is interested in me or if she just thinks i am cool to hang out with. Anyone care to offer some insight?


hah sorry about the lengh, I even cut a bit out

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Hi, I just joined this forum but I read your post and had a thought. Do you think it is possible she is asking you out to places so someone sees you with her? In other words, maybe an ex or someone she has an interest in will be there, so if she is seen with you then possibly she is making the other person jealous?


I ask that because that happened to me in college. A guy asked me out with a group of friends a few times, and the third time we went out I found out that one of the girls in the group was his ex and he was just trying to win her back by making her jealous. Manipulative, but it has been done before so it is just a thought.


The other thought is maybe she is just coming off a bad relationship and really does have a genuine interest in you, but has reservations about jumping in because the first door isn't completely closed yet. ???


One thing I am fairly certain of - after a few beers, people (men and women) tend to be a little more bold so if you guys are going out and drinking, and she is still acting this way, I would probably pull away. If she is really interested, she'll find you......

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