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Back to square one

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Well 2 weeks no contact has been broken. I felt I was doing so well too. He contacted me because a friend of mine warned the girl he cheated on me with (and is now with) about him. The guy is also friends with her and I had nothing to do with it. He was so harsh to me, telling me to warn my friend for opening his mouth to her. I basically just said are you kidding me, after you did me so wrong this is what you're contacting me to say?? He ended up apologizing and telling me what a great girl I am and that he never wanted to hurt me or lose me out of his life completely, but he didn't know how to handle it. I know he's not good for me or any girl for that matter but I'm still back here to square one feeling horrible.

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Lesson learned.


If there is one thing to take away from this unfortunate experience, its simply this:

YOU, and nobody else, are in complete control over how the contact from your ex can reach you or affect you - nobody else, just YOU.


In the future - your options are many regarding contact; kick the call to Vm, ignore the text, delete the email.


He cheated.


He has a broken moral compass and ZERO integrity; he also showed his immaturity in the way he reacted with threats to your friend for exposing him for who and what he is....a sneaky, lying cheater who only cares about himself and his desires and needs.


Sounds to me like in the scheme of things, you got rid of someone not worthy of you - count your lucky stars that you dodged this bullet and he is now her problem to deal with.


It doesn't matter how he tried to smooth things out by all the crap he ended the call with....that was to appease his guilt and ease his mind for blowing up at you and acting like a high school kid.


In no way shape or form am I underestimating what he meant to you or the depth of your heartache; from the outside perspective it seems that you are well rid of him and have every right to question his contact and actions.


Trust me, being "back at square one" is far better than the alternative - living with a cheater and liar, walking on eggshells and fearing the worst...."square one" allows for peace of mind, serenity and a chance at continued personal gorwth and healing.


Chin up.....this means nothing in the bigger picture....keep moving forward, and leave this contact ( and him) behind you.....

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Thank you guys, been a really rough day.. Literally all I was thinking about. I do believe I'm lucky to get away from him but I can't shake this sad feeling... I was feeling sooo much better before he contacted me. Two weeks had gone by and I'm starting a new job tomorrow.. And here I am unable to sleep.

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If you need a person to talk to, I'm here. I'm in the exact position. I'm also back at square one, but realize that the last thing you've heard from him should be the final breaking point. The fact that you are reset still means you've got fight left in you to push on. You've done it before, you've made progress. You can make it again.


Feel free to PM.

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