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i want to help my friend through her tough times

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ok this was the same girl that i fell for but she didnt have any chemistry for me. but i still care for her. yeah weird i guess. recently she got screwed over by a guy at work because he was still with his gf, im not sure, because she hasnt told me anything.


she just posted that shes still mad that this guy at work screwed her over, but he's in jail now. she still wants him more. but shes mad at him still for screwing her over. she is really hurting. it shattered her selfrespect. this seemed to have made her, a smart person, not give a damn about school anymore. and it sounds like she wants to change what she wants to do in life. she wrote all this on her online journal, blogs that we share and leave comments for each other.


now i want to help because i really care for her, what should i say? should i get involved? should i leave a comment? should i just wait and see her at work tomorrow? should i bring the subject up at work with her on break or wait for her to do that?


so many questions, i want to help her. hmm im thinking of drawing this abstract picture of a turtle (her fav animal) with "kara 4 evah" on the shell.


should i atleast draw her the picture? i need an answer around tonight so i can get started on it so itll be ready tomorrow. abstract takes a long time.

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If we could all be so lucky to have a friend like you... Don't go overboard. BE HER FRIEND without an ulterior motive. She needs someone to talk to and to listen to her. You may freak her out with the drawing, or at least with the writing on it... But, if you really want to be her friend, just be there for her in a non-judgemental way without expecting anything else from her. Good luck, and I hope all goes well.

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thats what i thought, i look at my drawing right now, and wow it is very good. thanks, ill stop now. and just wait for tomorrow, i wont comment in her blog. she sounds very heart broke i would so very much like to cheer her up. this drawing is half way finished. hmm, maybe i could still give it to her to cheer her up. what it is is:


the sea turtle is in the center of some gleaming sun rays. in each ray there are either starfish or bubbles. the rays on 1 side are complete but the rays on the other is blank. there is no writing on the shell. the bubbles are very detailed though... they look like sea shells kinda.


so get back to me plz whether i should give it to her like this please. i was going to give it to her at the beginning of our shift. this IS a big risk, so plz be straight i do not want to screw up.


i already screwed up once, she found out how i felt about her through my journal. thats why she declined me when i asked her out.

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