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Having difficulty getting an erection


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2 days ago i had this girl that i really LOVE at my house and we went in my bedroom.. made out like mad, and lots of touching. but the problem is she wanted to see how big i have it, so i try and think " COME ON " lol

but i cant get it to "wakeup".. now if i look at a porn movie or mag, then i get a boner almost instantaneously but i dont know why it didnt work...

i didnt wanted to have an intercourse but she wants to really bad in the next couple of days... and i want to because i really love her... now she is hot and all but why the hell didnt it work..? we were on the bed, i was touching her pansy and making out and still nothing...

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you're thinking about it too much. Don't think about it, just make out, and if you don't get an erection you can just have a good time making out.


Usually if you go in with that mentality you'll have no problem getting an erection.


Even for my boyfriend who was very experienced before he met me, and really confident in his sexual ability, the first time we tried having sex together he first had problems getting an erection, then he had a premature ejaculation. Tells you a bit of what stress can do to guys.


Good thing he just put it all behind him, and went about without thinking too much of what happened that night. I heard that if guys dwell on the issue they may get a premature ejaculation every single time and become even less confident.

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well just dunt think too much. Tension makes the bloodflow really difficult. If you really need to I guess you can take some kind of viagra for the first time or second time (so your more usd to it).


But Id say make out, and if you cant get it up..... well..... I see hardtimes ahead for your jaws because your gonna have to satisfy her one way or another.

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Writing a love poem or doing something thoughtful would probably impress her more than showing her your #$#........I don't find that too impressive...in fact, some might find it repulsive....but anyway, aren't there some more creative ways to express your love for your grilfriend

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drachir, I think you'll find she wanted to see it.....not he wanted to show her.


It's probably just nerves....I know the first time I went that far with a girl it was as embarrassing as hell.....almost as if my brain had gone "Stuff You" and turned off the erection switch.


Just relax, once you're more used to stuff like that, it will become much easier

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 days ago i had this girl that i really LOVE at my house and we went in my bedroom.. made out like mad, and lots of touching. but the problem is she wanted to see how big i have it, so i try and think " COME ON " lol

but i cant get it to "wakeup".. now if i look at a porn movie or mag, then i get a boner almost instantaneously but i dont know why it didnt work...

i didnt wanted to have an intercourse but she wants to really bad in the next couple of days... and i want to because i really love her... now she is hot and all but why the hell didnt it work..? we were on the bed, i was touching her pansy and making out and still nothing...


ok your erection is working as normal, cos u have no problems on your own. There's two possible causes that i can see: nervousness, and time since last orgasm.

If you masturbated say twice in a day and then an hour later met your gf and tried to have sex, it might be difficult to get an erection - your mojo is low... read link removed

So, if you know you're going to meet her say friday night, don't orgasm for say two days before that. You can masturbate, but not to orgasm...


the other possible cause is nervousness. If you're tense, nervous, shaky, getting an erection might be difficult. Contrary to what u might think, an erection happens best during a relaxed state... that's why u wake up in the morning with an erection - sleep is the most relaxed state possible.

So, as the others have said, don't try to think about whether u can get an erection, and don't worry about it... it will happen, believe me. And make sure u write and tell us about it.

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The above post sounds like another advertisement from a spammer. We should be careful about letting people like that come in.


I appreciate your concern drahcir, you should bring your concern to the attention of the moderators. However if you go to my site you will see there are no ads, no products, no p0rn and no premium content. Its just information. About sex. I will only post on topic here.

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2 days ago i had this girl that i really LOVE at my house and we went in my bedroom.. made out like mad, and lots of touching. but the problem is she wanted to see how big i have it, so i try and think " COME ON " lol

but i cant get it to "wakeup".. now if i look at a porn movie or mag, then i get a boner almost instantaneously but i dont know why it didnt work...

i didnt wanted to have an intercourse but she wants to really bad in the next couple of days... and i want to because i really love her... now she is hot and all but why the hell didnt it work..? we were on the bed, i was touching her pansy and making out and still nothing...

My hunch is that there's probably something about her you don't trust. Perhaps she hasn't said or done enough to convince you that she truly likes you for who you are and not just for the entertainment you give her. Or perhaps she said something that caused you to sense that she can quickly become judgemental over petty things, and could thus easily lose interest in you if you so much as sneeze the wrong way. That happened to me many years ago, and at the time I thought there might be something physically wrong with me. Then, several months later, I started seeing a different girl with whom I felt more comfortable, and I had no problem at all.


That's when I realized that the problem I had with the girl before was rooted in a sense of distrust I had about her that I don't think I was even consciously aware of at the time. Just because you aren't thinking negative thoughts about a girl consciously doesn't mean there isn't something about her nagging at your subconscious. Indeed, I would bet money that that is what causes most performance problems that men have.

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i want to thank you all for all your help... it was nervousness... the first time i was soo nervous i couldnt think of anything else than getting my thing up... but now after more than a couple of times i feel completely comfortable and easily turned on by her..

now i can easily go 4-5 times a night with no erection problem... the weird thing is that even after we're done ( and when i say done i mean 2-3 hours ) i still have an errection for at least another hour...

oh well

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