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What's the highest number of job applications you've ever sent out?

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I am now employed in my first professional job, but for fun I decided to count how many job applications I actually sent out in order to get it. This was easy, since most were online and in my sent folder. I was shocked to find it was only 80 (from the beginning of April to the end of August), because I felt like I sent out 200-400! Anyway, has anyone ever sent out like hundreds of applications and then landed a job? Btw, this is the highest amount I ever sent out. When I was looking for retail jobs, I'd only apply to a handful of places.

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I graduated in Dec 2008 and I have a 70 sheet note book from 2008 and I just recently completely filled out the whole notebook on both sheets with jobs that I applied to. So I have applied to 3640 jobs and still today I do not have a full-time job. I had many interviews, 2nd and 3rd interviews but always someone else beats me to the position. It really sucks I can't make a living. I never thought my life would be like this.

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I graduated in Dec 2008 and I have a 70 sheet note book from 2008 and I just recently completely filled out the whole notebook on both sheets with jobs that I applied to. So I have applied to 3640 jobs and still today I do not have a full-time job. I had many interviews, 2nd and 3rd interviews but always someone else beats me to the position. It really sucks I can't make a living. I never thought my life would be like this.


I feel ya, I had to go get interview help in order to give a good enough performance to get a job.. without that I would probably still be applying.. I had a lot of credentials but gave bad interviews, just being awkward like either not talking at all or being too honest about negative things/mistakes in my past.

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I feel ya, I had to go get interview help in order to give a good enough performance to get a job.. without that I would probably still be applying.. I had a lot of credentials but gave bad interviews, just being awkward like either not talking at all or being too honest about negative things/mistakes in my past.


As someone who interviews quite a few people in my current job, I can attest that I run into that quite a bit. I'll review someone's resume and say to myself "Oh, this one looks promising". Then the interview is a complete train wreck. It's disappointing.

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