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Met an amazing guy but ...


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He's in the Navy and doesn't know if he'll still be here this time next year, or even in the country (he's hoping to go to Afganistan) but then also says he might still be here and is thinking of buying a place here so he has a base (although admits it'd robably be rented out most of the time)


So it's pretty much obvious we'll never have anything serious, I feel majorly deflated. Kissing him feels out of this world, he's a genuine decent guy. We've only had two semi dates so far, I 'think' he likes me but I'm not sure in what context. Probably to early to start asking question.


When he admits he's not after anything serious what can I do? I don't wanna get hurt again, twice already this year I've been badly hurt.

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Would a casual relationship hurt you? Because that's all there is a possibility of here, right? It sounds like it would.


I dunno, I mean, I have the tendency of falling in love because I've been led to believe it's going somewhere or I'm in a relationship. I'm not sure if I'm capable of having something casual with someone I love or if I'm just putting myself in danger.


Still wonder how he feels about me, maybe he just wants a bit of fun. He did say he wanted to get to know me before we did anything though, and felt guilty he had to leave early tonight to help his friend (was a spur of the moment meeting today with me)

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He's being very honest with you and I can understand his not wanting anything serious right now. If you can't deal with with seperation, a military man is not for you. I believe it does take 2 special people to deal with a military relationship and make it work over the long haul.


If you can't handle seeing him on his terms, I'd suggest breaking it off before you get too emotionally invested.

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