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How Do Different People Express Their Romantic Love?


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Is it possible for someone to be in love, yet not express their love and caring to the person they love? Is love always expressed in a similar way with different people?


For example, if a guy tells his girlfriend he loves her more than anything yet ignores her most of the time, could he be actually in love?


How do you express your feelings?

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Love is expressed differently from person to person.


Some people do love but they love in a more (how i like to say) "quiet way".


You'll know these ones love you for the little things they do for you. That could be anywhere from cooking for you when you're ill to picking up your kids (not theirs) when you're running late for work. I have a co-worker who refers to his fiance's child as his first born. He is not the biological Father of the child but because of the love he has for the child's Mother he refers to the child as his. He is raising the child as if the child is his own.


Other folks love loud. You come home and there are red roses on the dinner table with candles and your favorite meal. You open your email in the morning and there's a poem (just because). You receive flowers at home and it's not Valentine's day.


People love differently...In the first example.... the guy may show his love quietly but it doesn't mean he loves his partner any less than the one who sends flowers everyday.


The only way to really know if someone loves you is by their actions....


If someone ignores you most of the time you need to ask why? Is it because of work?....distance...education...family obligations?....What is causing this person to ignore you?

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