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Asked her out, now shes acting wierd


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Ok yesterday in class this girl i like's friend asked me if I were going out with her friend and the girl i like was behind her and nodding her head yes, so i said yes. then after class i asked her to goto the fair with me and she said yes, i didnt have enough time to get her number though so i said ill talk tomorrow. So then i goto class today (the day after asking her out) and she just completely IGNORES me for no reason! so fuc*ing weird, whats up with this? She doesnt look at me the whole class or talk to me. so after class i walk up to her in the hall and ask her if she is still going to the fair with me Friday and she says "Maybe, i have to ask my dad." so i say ok well lemme just get your number and ill call you for the details and she says , "well i dont know my number cuz we just got it changed..." and i say ok... well just lemme know and ill talk tomorrow, and she just walks off and doesnt continue any conversation...? wtf? why do girls do this sh*t? what is the problem?


I also forgot to mention she is moving to FL in 2 weeks from now, she told me the day i asked her out... could this have to do with it? maybe shes sad and thought it over and thought it was a stupid decision to go with me when shes moving...??? plz help me out, is this normal or is something wrong???? HELP!

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yes but honestly this is my "first" girlfriend, like officially. i played around with some girls in the past but not like "boyfriend/girlfriend" anyways i really like her and she said a while back she was moving back in december so i thought i'd have some time with her then she says two weeks, so im thinking maybe i can change her mind to move to FL in december but i dont know how shes doing it, maybe she got plane tickets already. but this has sort of happened in the past, like i talked to this one girl for like a couple days then she ignored me but i think that was cuz i didnt give her enough space, im giving this girl space though... i feel like im doing everything right but shes not cooperating...

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She's probably really fustrated about moving and probably doesn't know what to do before, you say she's moving back right?....Well make these 2 weeks the best in her life and get her email before she leaves and on the way there she might think twice on what you're doing, ask her out to lunch and kinda talk to her, oh btw how old are you, that can play a big part in this.

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Im 17 and i think shes 14, or 15. Im gonna try to make it the best 2 weeks of her life for sure. I know one thing that would make her think twice, its a gift she wants thats over a $100 but thats alot to spend on a girl you barely know, ya know? i have a job, car, everything, she should be happy. I know ill probably buy her some roses before i pick her up before we goto the fair. Thanks for helping, anybody else have any suggestions?

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NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO DUNT DO IT! Hahahaa you dont know what happened to me the last time I bought a girl i liked a 100$ gift. There was so much critisicm going on it wasnt even funny. And she actually became more distant from me because of the big present. Think thoghtful, not prices.


Then again if she REALLY wants it, I guess you can go for it. But if you do spend 100 dollars buying this, please dont just be lke "Ya here you go". Please at least ask her out or try your best to take it to the next level.

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Ok today was friday, so i went and asked her if she asked her dad if she could goto the fair and she said "yeah........ but i kinda already have a ride.... maybe ill see you there...." and stopped talking to me, then she diliberately left class late to ignore me and i havent spoken to her then, i dont know why shes acting like this when she was so excited to go with me wednesday. anyway im gonna forget about her and get a diff girl if she wants space or just doesnt want to go out.. what do ya'll think?

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