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Weird feeling this morning.

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This morning I miss her. I just feel like talking to her. Don't even really want to discuss the fight or anything, just want to talk and hangout. Enjoy the company of her..


Does anyone ever feel like this? Its almost as if the fight, deceiving, and the hate doesn't bother me today.. But im bothered by the fact that I know I can't really talk to her to just.. pretty much hang, or casual talk.


I feel odd for feeling this way..

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Its tough and you will have days like this here and now all you can do is take it one day at a time. Once reality sinks in we tend to fall in a slump for a bit and it’s hard to erase all those memories and pretend like everything is ok. However with each passing day you heal a little more, I know it doesn’t feel like it now but one day you'll realize you stopped looking back and you'll keep moving forward.

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I can relate. The feelings of missing him override the anger sometimes...I get lonely, I remember how affectionate he used to be with me and it was perfect for me, it was like everything I ever wanted. I tend to block out all the horrible things that happened sometimes.

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I finally got the "no contact" I need yet this morning I feel the same as you: I desperately want to roll over and have a snuggle. I miss that. But I remind myself that snuggling doesn't make up for the bad stuff. But, still, I'd really like to be held right now.

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