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csr14 Suggested that I do this!!!!

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So yesterday I reflected on what I did to mess my last relationship up. Well today I'm going to list what she did to help screw it up and what I didn't like about her.


*It seemed like she had multiple personalities (I'm not even joking. I'm SERIOUS)

*She cursed entirely TOO MUCH

*She would take her frustrations out on me

*Sometimes we didn't have enough sex. (sorry I'm a hornball)

*Everything had to go her way. We had to talk about things when SHE wanted to talk about things.

*When I tried to speak my mind on a situation I was being "dramatic" or "acting like a girl"

*She would wait forever to respond to a text or call from me, but reply to everyone else RIGHT AWAY

*She broke up with me in front of my best friend at a part earlier in the summer.

*She always repeated herself when angry and her voice was so annoying.

*She is SOOOO ugly when she gets emotional

*She couldn't let go of minor things.

*She still had ill feelings about her last relationship and took stuff out on me

*When she got upset she would repeat everything she had said in previous arguments and then ask, "What do you do for me?".

*Called me a piece of **** SEVERAL times, but wanted to in the relationship when I called her a "B"

*Made me think she was cheating at times.


Good LORD! Why am I so hurt about losing this chick? Was it the sex? Or maybe its just me not wanting to see her with anyone else.

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Most of the stuff on the list isn't that bad & I think you know it.

Most people on this site will tell you to drop her like a bad habit the second she calls you 1 bad name, but ****?

Haven't you ever called someone a bad name, lol?

Good luck finding a girl who doesn't take her frustrations out on you or isn't ****ed from her last relationship, you know?

We're emotional mother ****ers.

(I curse too, lol.)

The last reason is the only *real* legit 1, I think.

However, I think all of these things combined are enough so hold onto that thought & you'll get over her,

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And i know that females are emotional and annoying and crazy at times, but this chick drove me crazy and had a really strong case of the stereotypical black woman attitude. Now i know i've messed up too, but she did nothing to help fix our problems because she couldnt get over me calling her a "B" and talking about her on twitter ONE time.

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