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Girls, what kind of a guy would you consider hot???

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Well, I don't think there really is a 'kind' of guy that girls really like. We're all different and what some girls find attractive, others find unattractive. I don't have a specific type of guy that I look for but I guess I can think of something. lol I'd say about 6"2 or 6"3 (nice and tall cause I'm 5"10) maybe brownish or blondish hair, and blue eyes. As for a body, I'd say just a little bit of muscle definition is really attractive, I find guys with a lot of muscles to be less attractive. But yea, none of this stuff really matters and there are always exceptions. I just pretty much described what the guy I currently like looks like... just to give you an idea I suppose. Hope that helped!

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I go for the guys' personlity mostly. As long as they are super nice, have good conversations, Makes me laugh, and has a heart. I go for those types of guys, i really love to laugh too. So yeah. They guy doesn't alway be mature, but if the situation needs a mature moment, then yes i want mature. Then the 1st thing i am attracted to is their eyes. Then their height. Then everything else is last....

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I'm going to sound shallow and mean and seem like I have incredibly high standards.. but what the heck. XD


Hair I've got this thing for guys with curly hair. I dont know why, I just love it!! Its so cute. x3 Blonde or brown doesn't matter for me.

As for length.. Well, bald makes me think of my dad, who is bald and long makes *most* guys look feral.. so.. um, somewhere inbetween?


Height I think its a given that the guy has to be taller.. Well, not *has* to be.. its not so important that I would reject a guy who was perfect in every other way except that he was a few inches shorter than me.. however, its apparently an ego-blow to the guy if his girlfriend is taller than him (??) so.. I dunno.


Eyes they have to have nice eyes.. there are lots of types of 'nice eyes', so I can't really explain what a nice eye looks like (LoL, this sounds weird. XD) but basically, just eyes that aren't bug eyed like


Body Most guys around here wear baggy clothes so we dont really get to see their bodies much, ;( so I can't really say anything on that. I've realised I like guys who are sort of 'solid'.. not in a fat way, but.. ah, its hard to explain. XD

Just not skinnier than me, anyway. Now that would be a big blow to the ego. Abs are nice. Like skittles said, some muscle definition is nice, but guys who look like a giant gorilla with giant bulging muscles everywhere are really.. really.. no.


And now.. I know you've seen it all coming.. the *drumroll* Kitz's-attempt-to-save-herself-from-being-labelled-a-shallow-loser-by-prattling-on-about-personality-speech! Yay!


However personality is really important because you dont want to be going out with someone who has all the fun and excitement of a wet sponge and after you get to know someone they can become really hot or really ugly in your eyes depending on their personality etc etc blahblah the end.

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I took the Physical Attraction Test on Match before you needed to be a member of Match to access it and the general results were that I like guys 5-10 years older than me, slightly taller than me, with angular diamond-shaped faces and/or sharp chins, and lighter hair, blue eyes, and chest hair. As for body type, I was pegged for both endomorph (general not-in-shape guys with love handles) and lean guys with pot bellies. I guess flat abs aren't a turn-on for me! It picked up my appreciation for very hot Asian guys and in the end it told me I liked the laid-back surfer look and spat out a picture of a thirty year old, light-eyed guy with shaggy light brown hair and a goatee. He was the spitting image of a guy I'd met at school a few years back and was instantly attracted to even though I thought he looked homeless most days.


I was shocked and made my friends take the test and we all came out with completely different results (pot-bellied hippies didn't fly with anyone else). It provided an entire week of amusement I would highly recommend it if you didn't have to be a member to take the test now.

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I just moved to South Florida...I can say with all honesty...personality does not matter all that much down here. Its all about how deep a guys pocket is and what type of job he has. I don't even think looks rate higher then money and profession. I just really take this area for what it is worth...you will not find as many hot women in any other state, too bad a majority are snobs.



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I just moved to South Florida...I can say with all honesty...personality does not matter all that much down here. Its all about how deep a guys pocket is and what type of job he has. I don't even think looks rate higher then money and profession. I just really take this area for what it is worth...you will not find as many hot women in any other state, too bad a majority are snobs.



Sounds like Floridians are shallow





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Most seem to be shallow here, it would be unfair to just say it was the girls, the guys are a lot more aggresive here then anywhere else I lived. My first night out down here I was in shock on how guys talked to girls. I was even more shocked on how the girls behaved in public.



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My idea of a "Hot" guy would have to be Taller then me or atleast the same height as me (I'm only 5'3) So basically everyone is taller then me so...yeah...


Off hand just walking by a guy I think is hot would have these:


I LOVE guys with Brown hair...I am kinda turned off with a guy that has blonde hair no offense to them but I'm a blonde... I feel like Ken and Barbie if I go out with him.

I don't Mind guys with Black hair I think its cute.


Body- I dont really care but I have to see he takes care of himself.Not a look of just sitting on the couch all summer (hope that makes sense)


Eyes: would be Blue, but I really don't mind I just love looking into them.


Ok now Personality if I knew the guy...

He HAS to be Nice to me and has to make me laugh if you can't make a joke your not worth my time only just a good picture to stare at when I'm bored. Also Kind to others, smiles alot...hmm I'm running out of ideas... lol

Oh one more thing...Boxers hanging out when a guy sits down and I can see his boxers that is sexy unless there is spongbob or some gay cartoon like that on them, its EXTREMLY hot to me.


(I hoped I helped lol) [/u]

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I have dated guys of all different looks and body types.


The thing is, the greater their personality turns out to be, and the greater the chemistry is/gets between you, the hotter they end up being!


I have dated guys that could look like they just walked off the cover of GQ but they were not "that" hot to me as the meshing was just not there, and I have been in long relationships with guys who started balding as teenagers and I was head over heels for them!


I have dated blondes, brunets (lol), brown eyes, blue eyes, really tall, medium tall, muscular, thin and a little soft Most important thing to me is a smile that they love to share willingly.


That being said though, I go for someone who takes care of themselves (is active, fit, adventurous) because lifestyles should match up and I am very active - usually then they end up being toned/leaner but not always. I go for someone who enjoys sports/activities rather than "just works out" at the gym..if you know what I mean. Someone with a big heart, a friendly smile. Usually I am with someone taller than me (they have ranged from 5'6" to the guy I met yesterday whom I now have a second date with who is 6'4"). I like someone who can meet your eyes with theirs, and have a certain "warmth" to them. They don't need to be a certain colour to do this, as they say they are the windows to your soul, though I do feel "warmer" with brown eyes.


Their is no type, it is all about how your soul shines through, and what kind of people they are, and while I go for someone who takes care of themselves so is generally fit, I just see that also as a sign of how they view themselves..they respect themselves to take care, and also are outgoing/fun if they are involved in sports. That fits with MY own self as I do the same.

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this first bit may seem shallow, but im attracted to a girl by looks, everyone is, its the whole first impressions thing, but if u start to get to know them and there a total bore, or just not very pleasant to be around/ or just boring, then your less likley to continue to be attracted to them.


looks are what originally attracts some1 to another person, but personality is what either keeps you attracted or makes you want to run away as fast as you can lol. applies fo girls aswell im guessing, dont try and deny it, i knows i knows!!!!!!


n e wys...not talkin n e more, on this site in college computing lesson!!

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Ok Buddy I hate to do this to you but stop asking chicks for advice on how to pick them up it's not going to help first off they lie.

Not only do they lie to you and me. But they lie to them selves. Sometimes so well they start to believe it.


So what to do? Well let's see first off if you want to get a good Idea of what these women like for example look at whom there with. Who do they go out with? What do there dates look like.


Anyways for the most part women like Tall Dark Handsome.


Tall means taller than her.

Dark means good sun tan.

Handsome goes with out saying.


If you are not this then you better have some money or drive a nice car or have some real tight game.



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Ok Buddy I hate to do this to you but stop asking chicks for advice on how to pick them up it's not going to help first off they lie.

Not only do they lie to you and me. But they lie to them selves. Sometimes so well they start to believe it.



Anyways for the most part women like Tall Dark Handsome.


Tall means taller than her.

Dark means good sun tan.

Handsome goes with out saying.


If you are not this then you better have some money or drive a nice car or have some real tight game.





Okay I have to agree with the tall part but plenty of girls like average guys! I like all types of guys. I've been attracted to skinny and slightly heavy, muscular, no muscles, shaved head, guys with hair, every nationality and race.

Personality is a BIG thing. I've known some not so handsome guys get women because of personality. I've seen short men get women because of personality! I find guys who are nice, funny, smart, responsible, honest, faithful, respectful, and have good hygiene (including clean short nails!!) sexy. Intelligence is a HUGE turn on for me. He doesn't have to look that great but if he's smart, then look out.

Most girls I know feel the same way. So it's not all about the bling bling. Because even if they don't have the bling now if they're smart then they will definitely get the bling later or at least become renowned in something!!

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I have to agree with sole - that is not true. Maybe it is for a segment of females, but those are girls I don't know why you would want to date anyway?


I am told that I am a very attractive women, with a lot going for her in addition to that, and I have dated and been in relationships with men of all sorts of physical qualities, and wealth. I have dated guys of average looks, poor students or lower paying jobs, losing hair, not much taller than me...to guys that look like GQ models, doctors, etc.


When it comes down to it most women think long term, whether sub consciously or not - they want someone they can get along with, who will be their partner, friend, fulfill them emotionally and be a good provider for the family - this is not about money, but their dedication to family.


I go for personality, humour (ability to take life in stride and laugh at themselves as well), a big heart, genuine/honesty, intelligence, adventurous.


One's personality can truly shine through and make even the most average guy truly glow.


The guy I have just started dating now is again very different physically from others I have dated - he is a foot taller than me (I usually end up with guys under 5'11"!), has 100 lbs on me (he is just a big, athletic guy and in general I go for leaner athletic), has a baby face (rugged features are my usual type) and has a dcent job, but is also going back to school either to be a nurse or do his firefighter training - both which would mean not much income for a while...but doing what one loves is more important. He has a great heart, and is very good to me, funny, friendly, athletic, adventurous so the fact that he is not my usual type nor does have lots of bling bling does not matter to me at all.


By the way, guys are the only ones I know who will actually limit themselves to something like "blonde, 5'7" to 5'9", blue eyes, C cup". You may laugh, but I have truly met men/boys who do that TRULY limiting their chances of finding an amazing partner. Not every guy does this, but I have yet to meet a girl that does that, and I have met a few guys who do!

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Ok Buddy I hate to do this to you but stop asking chicks for advice on how to pick them up it's not going to help first off they lie.

Not only do they lie to you and me. But they lie to them selves. Sometimes so well they start to believe it.


Settle down G0d, the situation isn't quite as malicious or tragic as you make it out to be. Not where I live anyways! You heard DBL talking about how he finds that the women in southern Florida are gold-digging skanks who will ask to examine your wallet before they even care to know more about you. Trust me, it's not that way everywhere you go.


About the original question:


Height Since I'm 5'9, a guy simply must be taller than I am for me to be totally comfortable. I am not discriminating against men who are shorter in any way, but for me to actually date a man, he's got to be more than 5'10. Otherwise I feel very awkward.


Hair Colour Simply couldn't matter less. As long as he has a full head of it and it's clean, it just doesn't matter.


Eye Colour I've dated men who have every eye colour. However, the guys I've actually had serious relationships with have all had light, green eyes, almost yellow around the pupil. There is something about light green eyes that just do it for me, not sure why.


Body I didn't even know what type of body I preferred until I met my current boyfriend. I know now that he has it, lol! I like a guy to be tall and slim with really broad shoulders. It's incredibly attractive when a guy's torsoe goes into a "V" of sort. Big broad shoulders with nice arms that lead down to a small butt and long slim legs.


All of these things mean much less if a guy is honest, articulate, intelligent - and mostly - somewhat artistic. I like a man who sees beauty and possibility in things, a man of vision and creativity. A man who isn't afraid to express himself artistically and socially, and who is passionate about things that matter to him.

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Maybe the question here should be what kind of guys don't you find hot/attractive. Maybe knowing what turns girls off would be more beneficial.




I can do that. The following is in reference to first impressions mostly.


Guys with almost zero confidence. I can feel that vibe from miles away.


Guys that are too c--ky (different than confidence!). Again, I feel that vibe from miles away.


Guys that you KNOW are only in it to get into your pants. Similar to above.


Bad hygiene (hair, teeth/breath, clothing).


Overweight (sorry, but it's true).


No smile.


No eye contact.


Bad social skills.


There you go.

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Great list RayKay...


I'm sure i'm miles away from you, so which one am I?




Zero Confidence


Also are bad social skill and zero confidence the same thing?




I have not read enough of your posts to make a call on that one I go with the have been hurt and so now have some resentment brewing one though...maybe some confidence, but not sure it is true confidence from inside or not


No, bad social skills/zero confidence are somewhat related, but not necessarily the same. Bad social skills to me is more about how you treat other people (respectful, good communication skills, etc.). Generally the more confident you are, the better skills you will have, but this is not necessarily true. In fact, I would put c--ky and bad social skills more together, as those who are c--cky generally lack respect towards some people, and don't listen very well.


See, people can be shy yet still be confident - I have met men who are generally very confident, but when it comes to love get all tongue tied so it seems their social skills might be lacking - but that is not the case, and I can generally tell that they are just nervous

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