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He acts different towards me when other people are around


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I met this guy and when I see him and it is just him and I he makes good and even sometimes prolonged eye contact, acts really sweet towards me, friendly, smiles, and I can even tell sometimes he is nervous because he stumbles on his words.


But when I see him and other people are around he completely ignores me, acts like I am not even in the group, almost no eye contact, but oddly enough when other people are around he seems more confident and more talkative... just not to me, every one else. Than I leave feeling bad and like he must not like me after all.


Yes I know I should ask him or try to take things to the next level but I am not comfortable with that yet because of these mixed signals. So please don't tell me just to ask him out. This behavior has happened over and over again and I just want to know if anyone has any clue to why a man 30+ would act one way when we are alone than completely opposite when other people are around.

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Perhaps he isn't sure of your interest level and therefore doesn't want to reveal his interest by singling you out in a group. If he ignores you while in a group, then perhaps he isn't interested after all. I have to ask though, do you make an effort to talk to HIM when you're in a group setting? Why is the responsibility solely on him?

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If you aren't officially his girlfriend, he isn't gonna put that kinda priority over you when he's in a group setting / with friends, and I don't think he's trying to ignore you either, it's just how things are. It's gonna be your responsibility to make yourself part of the group.

It also depends on what kind of group setting this is; co-workers, his/your friends, and the nature in how you met with the group ie. did he invite you or did you just happen to be there while he was.

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I'd wager he's nervous because he's very much attracted to you. He has the confidence to show interest when he's alone with you but even then he's stumbling for words.


It's confusing that he "appears" more confident in a group but note that he is not interacting with you! Reason? He's too nervous to do so in front of friends so he's ignoring you and that winds him down enough to where he can "appear" confident in the group.


Why does he do that you may ask? Because he's trying to hide the fact from everybody else that he likes you.


You simply need to slip off from the group. For example, walk into a different room or to the back porch. If he's smart, he'll follow you so he can talk to you.

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