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Ladies, is this a sign?


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So I ask this girl to come to party with me where she'll know nonone. She agrees. We have a great time together. My roomate (male) who has considerble experience in dating informs me that judging by her body language, she is really into me. However, towards the end of the evening, she informs me that she has gotten back together with her ex who lives ~8000km away (Canada is a wicked big country). So, I play it cool and leave it at that. Next day, she calls me and asks me to go to a party with her where I won't know a soul. I agree, and once again we have a fantastic time together.


So, ladies...is this girl into me or not? It would seem to me that a girl who agrees to go to party alone with a guy implies that she may be interested. But, she did make it very clear to me that she had gone back to her ex. I'm just out of a long term relationship, so I'm not in the mood to play guessing games, but does this ring a bell with anyone? Brutal honesty is always appreciated, thanks.

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from what you told me... iam thinking that since her b/f lives in cananda and it is a long distance realtionship she looking for a realtionship with a guy....but not a real relationship,she wants a type of realationship a guy that she can have fun with...flirt with ...but not cheat on her boy friend with type of realationship with a guy (if that made any sense @ all).


hopefully that helped a little bit...



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I agree with the last poster; I think she just wants to play the field while her bf is gone, but the fact that she told you about him shows that she still cares about the relationship. If you don't want to play games, I'd forget about her & pursue someone who's single.

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At least she was honest in telling you about her bf. So go ahead and ask her now that it is out in the open. she seems more truthful than most girls.


I think she likes you and you give her a great time when you are together.

Maybe if you guys hang out alot she will end up ending her long term relationship and focus on you.


On the other hand she may just want a male companion to fill her loneliness while her bf is gone. If you are cool with that-have fun!!


Be careful- heartache sucks!

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Thanks for the advice guys. I really appreciate it. Call me an optimist, but I think I agree with you Leslie. Something tells me that she is into me and that, if I tried hard enough, perhaps I could persuade her to end her long term relationship for me. Ethically, this would be a pretty nasty thing to do n'est ce pas? I mean, I certainly wouldn't want sombody putting the moves on my girlfriend after she explicitly told him she was in a relationship. In my opinion, I think her relationship is going to fizzle out on its own. I think long distance is hard enough as it is, especially when it happens a the beginning of the relationship.


So, I guess I'm kinda torn. She asked me to make her a CD (which I've done) but am hesitant to give it to her. I mean, this is a pretty big step right (if you think making someone a CD/mix tape is trivial, watch High Fidelity)? Do I go for the gold or sit back and let time take its course?

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