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Feel sleepy at interviews due to nervousness.

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Hi, I'm currently looking for permanent work.


I've improved my resume enough that I get a decent number of calls for interviews, but I seem to not be able to get past the interview stage. Every time I have an interview, I feel really sleepy, and I think it's because of nerves. This is obviously bad, because if I feel sleepy, I seem unenthusiastic and bored in the interview, and you're supposed to look energetic and passionate about the job. I'm thinking this might be why I haven't received a position yet.


This didn't used to happen when I was interviewing for summer student jobs. I got nervous then, but it actually fired me up and made me jittery and energetic, NOT sleepy, and I always got the first position that I interviewed for. Maybe I was more confident because student jobs are easier and I usually knew I was more than qualified, but I can't go back to student jobs. At least, I don't want to.


Anyway, does anyone have any tips for getting over the sleepiness thing? Similar experiences?

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Hmm..this has never happened to me before, but do you get enough sleep the night before. Perhaps because of the nervousness, you are not getting proper sleep, and then are exhausted by the time the interview happens? (This is what happens when I get dates...lol..I stay up all night and then by the time the date arrives, I'm ready for bed)...wait that sounds wrong :S Ready for going to sleep. *


Another suggestion. Extra large coffee, right before the interview.

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Hmm..this has never happened to me before, but do you get enough sleep the night before. Perhaps because of the nervousness, you are not getting proper sleep, and then are exhausted by the time the interview happens? (This is what happens when I get dates...lol..I stay up all night and then by the time the date arrives, I'm ready for bed)...wait that sounds wrong :S Ready for going to sleep. *


Another suggestion. Extra large coffee, right before the interview.


I sometimes do lack sleep, even though I'm not awake the WHOLE night. Coffee does make it better, although the sleepiness feeling seems to hang around a bit. I had a good interview recently, even though I didn't get the job I know I had been in the running, and I actually had a ROCK STAR ENERGY DRINK before it. lmao.

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I often get sleepy when nervous too, but it usually happened at athletic events, so once I got out there and moving, the sleepiness disappeared. Could you try a five-hour energy drink? Obviously, it's not good for you, but I drink them very rarely (pretty much only when driving), and I've never had ill-effects. I find they wake me up without making me jittery. Try one before the interview to see how you react, though!

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