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My girlfriends period is late Help...

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lots of things cause missed periods, not just pregnancy. if she has a history of late periods, i would not be *frantic* just yet. according to your statement, i would guess its been several weeks since you had sex. do yourselves both a favor and go to the local supermarket or drug store and get a 2-PACK pregnancy test kit. yes, a TWO pack. have her take the test first thing in the morning. if its POSITIVE, she should go to a planned parenthood for a retest and advice counceling. if its NEGATIVE she should wait another week and use the second test to retest herself. if she still hasnt got her period by then, she should see a doctor anyway. her hormones are obviously screwed up, and she should probably get on the pill (btw, she SHOULD be on the pill already. sex, even protected, can cause pregnancy. birthcontrol is readily available, and it is STUPID to engage in sexual activity without taking the pill regularly. if she is concerned about the pill itself, or forgetting, there other options these days. there is the birth control patch as well as the nuva ring, which is inserted for 3 weeks and removed for one). if you are wondering, the pill will help regulate her periods by regulating the hormones in her body. each type of pill works slightly different. the main thing is, though, that a woman menstruates when her hormones dip below certain levels. this triggers the sheading of the uterus and other biological activity. point being that the pill has 3 ACTIVE weeks and 1 INACTIVE week. during the inactive week, hormone levels will drop and trigger sheading, etc.


good luck!

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