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How do you close the gap?

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And finally move in/move closer together, become a 'RL' couple?


I have been with this guy I met online for 2 years. Its a crazy amount of time I think, but I love him and my passion for him has never died. I dont know if he feels the same though, because he seems to not want to spend as much time with me just talking, and tries to spend more time doing other things. Tonight he didnt log into IM and I was saddened, because last night we had an argument over him wanting to spend 'quality time' with me. Basically he was watching a TV show even though he said he was hanging out with me on IM, and when I asked him to call me, he said after his show was over. This guy spends 5 nights a week or so playing online video games, and his attention is usualy spread very thin. Now I dont know what to do about it, so I told him that it would be nice if we had a night every now and then where he didnt' log into his games and just spent quality time with me. Thats what I thought last night was. So when he tells me to wait for his TV show to be over, I felt that same old feeling rushing back..that I'm not important, that I'm always online so he doesnt put me before anything.


Wouldnt a guy thats into me want to call me, especially after telling me he was going to hang out and chat with me tonight instead of doing other things?


And I guess the second question is, after 2 years, I want to move things forward, but he lives a 6 hour flight away from me, and still lives with his parents, although he just started working at a full time job and is out of college, I'm not sure if anything will move forward the way things are going.


Thanks for reading my long post

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I would talk to him about it more tell him that you really do have feelings for him, and tell him that you want to move it to a more serious note. You don't want to be waiting and spending your life with a online gamer person all the time. You need to move the relationship up!.. The biggest thing to do is talk to him and then if he doesn't like what you say and he goes back to his old ways. You better find someone else because that's not how it's supposed to be. Hope that helped ya some hunny.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't see many males here so i'll give ya the males side. even though this is about 10 days later lol.


First before doing any moving you should go visit him. I suggest you bring a friend a long just incase especially for the first time. and i wouldn't have him come to your house. there are many males out there that are just sick in the head.


some guys act diffrently away from the computer. When i'm talking too my GF over webcams we both kinda zone out. however if we were too meet in person i wouldn't want anything to do with the computer, I would want too hold her in my arms and tell her i love her. Furthermore, you may wanna consider getting one of his favorite games and play it with him you'll become more attached and he will be doing something he enjoys. Diffrent people have diffrent prefrences... I was an avid gamer playing non-stop computer games before i met my online GF. Then i completely stopped for about 4 months and just wanted nothing but talking to her and now i'm back to playing about 2 hours a day or less insted of about 8 hours a day.



"Wouldnt a guy thats into me want to call me, especially after telling me he was going to hang out and chat with me tonight instead of doing other things? "


Most of us guys usually don't like talking over the phone. I've known my GF for 5 months now and we've only talked about an 2 hours total on the phone. and thats because she lives in florida and loses her power first during a hurricane. Although i do find it kinda "messed up" that he told you he wanted to hang out and chat but decided to watch TV insted.


hope that helped,


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