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this is the end . . .

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this is yet another upsate from " din't come over, sad excuse" and the first one " just something to keep him busy". I'm sorry to have to write again, but I don't have anyone else I can talk to about this. He was supposed to be here at 6pm, I went to the school to do some work until 5:30, then I was going to come back so I'd be here when he got here. I imed my roommate why at the computer lab, and she tells me he called around 3, but didn't leave a message, just said he'd call back. I run home, and call his friends room up at the college. Another guy that lives there answers and says they went to go see X-Men about half an hour ago. Let me remark at this time that he and I went to see it opening night, which was this Friday. I assume he went to the 4 showing. It's over 2 hrs long, which means he wouldn't get back here on time at all. I'm so furious at him right now, it's beyond belief. Even if he didn't want to be involved with me, he had made a promise and he knew I was depending on him. Even if he wanted to stay friends with me, theres no reason for what he did. On top of that, I asked the boy who all went, and he said that (names have been changed just in case) tom, sarah, "my guy" and becca went to the movies. It was a relief to here that the "other girl" wasn't among them, but then I read beccas away message that said she was studying for exams,...which means i bet the other girl went instead, which would have made it like a double date (funny thing, tom and sarah are involved in the same situation as me and "my guy" are). So-it's almost 6:30, and the movie got done around 6. Do I call him and tell him off, or do I wait to see if he calls me? What do I do? I want to confront him face to face, but I doubt he will give me that sort of satisfaction. And to top it off, he owes me money, which I need back (I've misplaced my card, so I can't withdrawl any money) tonight! Do I call and say"drop of the money on your way home" or what? I'm really frantic and I'd really appreciate some advice!

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Call him, tell him you need the money now, insist on him coming over and when he does come, take the money from him and throw him out. When he asks why, than you can really call him off. But I tell you what: I don't think he's woth it. I know this is hard to read, but he is treating you like the last possible thing to consider. When he was asked if he would go to the movies, couldn't he say: No, I already have a date? Couldn't he have left a message asking you to come to the movies with him? And why the hell does this guy go to the movies anyway, if he borrows the money he needs for doing so from you? Throw him out when he arrivesd and tell him to go and use someone elses trust!

Sorry, but I am angry at him. How can he treat you like that?

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Hi kitkat,


Once again thank you for your update. I am sorry to hear that he didn't contact you or came over to see you and pick you up. I understand that this is totally puzzling you.


It looks like that you already reached a decision about him. I would indeed ask the money back immediately, by explaining him that you did misplace your ATM card. What you do next is really your decision, but do know that the only obligation YOU have in life, is the obligation for YOU to be happy. If YOU are not happy, YOU cannot make someone else happy. It looks like that this friend is not making you happy. He keeps breaking promises he made to you. I don't see how you can make him happy.


I hope that this helps you to make the right decision that works for you and I wish you good luck in it.


~ SwingFox ~

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